

我已经用 LaTeX(使用 Overleaf)准备了法学院课程笔记/大纲。我有一门学校课程,其中既要测试美国大多数州的某一学科的一般法律,也要测试我所在州的特定法律例外情况。但是当我毕业后参加律师资格考试时,我只会测试一般法律,而不会测试州特定的例外情况。


实现此目标的最佳方法是什么?目标是 (1) 区分标记文本,以及 (2) 能够打印排除所有标记文本的版本。


\usepackage{color,soul} % for color and highlighting
\usepackage[shortlabels]{enumitem} % change enum styles

    \subsubsection{Burden Shifting}
        \item Will contestant entitled to presumption of undue influence by showing:
            \item \textit{confidential relationship} between the alleged influencer and the testator;
                    \item fiduciary
                    \item attorney
                    \item dominant control
            \item and the presence of one or more \textit{suspicious circumstances}
                    \item unnatural disposition in will
                    \item secrecy
                    \item testator's susceptibility to influence
        \item \hl{Texas: there is no burden shifting and the contestant must establish each element with evidence.}






\tchl{Texas: there is no burden shifting and the contestant must establish each element with evidence.}



\NewDocumentCommand \tchl { +m }{%
  \hl{#1}% comment out this line to drop the exceptions

其定义等同于 \hl{}


\NewDocumentCommand \tchl { +m }{%
  {\sffamily\color{blue}#1}% comment out this line to drop the exceptions



\NewDocumentCommand \tchl { +m }{%
%   \hl{#1}% comment out this line to drop the exceptions



\usepackage{color,soul} % for color and highlighting
\usepackage[shortlabels]{enumitem} % change enum styles

\NewDocumentCommand \tchl { +m }{%
  \hl{#1}% leave uncommented for highlighting ; comment out to drop exceptions ; comment out and uncomment next line for blue sans-serif
%   {\sffamily\color{blue}#1}% uncomment line for blue sans-serif

\subsubsection{Burden Shifting}
  \item Will contestant entitled to presumption of undue influence by showing:
    \item \textit{confidential relationship} between the alleged influencer and the testator;
      \item fiduciary
      \item attorney
      \item dominant control
    \item and the presence of one or more \textit{suspicious circumstances}
      \item unnatural disposition in will
      \item secrecy
      \item testator's susceptibility to influence
  \item \tchl{Texas: there is no burden shifting and the contestant must establish each element with evidence.}



\tchl 的变体


\NewDocumentCommand \tchl { +m }{%
%   \hl{#2}% leave uncommented for highlighting ; comment out to drop exceptions ; comment out and uncomment next line for blue sans-serif
  {\sffamily\color{blue}#1}% uncomment line for blue sans-serif
\NewDocumentCommand \tchlitem { +m }{%
  \item {\bfseries\color{magenta}#1}%


  \tchl{Texas: there is no burden shifting and the contestant must establish each element with evidence.}
  \tchlitem{Texas: there is no burden shifting and the contestant must establish each element with evidence.}
  \tchl{\item Texas: there is no burden shifting and the contestant must establish each element with evidence.}




文档条包是一种从一个(一组)主文件派生不同 .tex 输入文件的方法。在主文件中,您可以放置​​所谓的标签。这些标签用于确定主文件中标记的文本部分将被复制到的派生文件。


有关更多信息文档条可以在 CTAN 找到:


% Section with docstrip directives for generating different 
% .tex-input-files:
\input docstrip



Course notes, release without notes that are specific to Texas only.

Use pdflatex/pdftexify for compiling this file.




Course notes, release also with notes that are specific to Texas only.

Use pdflatex/pdftexify for compiling this file.


% Here you can probably insert \write18-calls suitable for your platform
% for calling pdflatex from console for compiling the files
% just generated -- something like:
%    \immediate\write18{pdflatex teacher.tex}
%    \immediate\write18{pdflatex students.tex}
%    \immediate\write18{pdftexify teacher.tex}
%    \immediate\write18{pdftexify students.tex}
\csname stop\endcsname % <- end this TeX-run in case you used (pdf)LaTeX
                       %    for generating the files.
\bye % <- end this TeX-run in case you used (pdf)TeX for generating the 
%    %    files.
% Section containing the actual LaTeX document, with tags for
% generating different variants with different target groups
\usepackage{color,soul} % for color and highlighting
\usepackage[shortlabels]{enumitem} % change enum styles

    \subsubsection{Burden Shifting}
        \item Will contestant entitled to presumption of undue influence by showing:
            \item \textit{confidential relationship} between the alleged influencer and the testator;
                    \item fiduciary
                    \item attorney
                    \item dominant control
            \item and the presence of one or more \textit{suspicious circumstances}
                    \item unnatural disposition in will
                    \item secrecy
                    \item testator's susceptibility to influence
        \item \hl{Texas: there is no burden shifting and the contestant must establish each element with evidence.}
%<StuffThatIsSpecificToTexasOnly>        \item \hl{Texas: there is no burden shifting and the contestant must establish each element with evidence.}


%% This is file `WithoutTexasNotes.tex',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% CourseNotes.tex  (with options: `StuffThatIsSpecificToAllStates')
%% _________________________________________________________________
%% Course notes, release without notes that are specific to Texas only.
%% Use pdflatex/pdftexify for compiling this file.
\usepackage{color,soul} % for color and highlighting
\usepackage[shortlabels]{enumitem} % change enum styles

    \subsubsection{Burden Shifting}
        \item Will contestant entitled to presumption of undue influence by showing:
            \item \textit{confidential relationship} between the alleged influencer and the testator;
                    \item fiduciary
                    \item attorney
                    \item dominant control
            \item and the presence of one or more \textit{suspicious circumstances}
                    \item unnatural disposition in will
                    \item secrecy
                    \item testator's susceptibility to influence


%% This is file `AlsoWithTexasNotes.tex',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% CourseNotes.tex  (with options: `StuffThatIsSpecificToAllStates,StuffThatIsSpecificToTexasOnly')
%% ________________________________________________________________________________________________
%% Course notes, release also with notes that are specific to Texas only.
%% Use pdflatex/pdftexify for compiling this file.
\usepackage{color,soul} % for color and highlighting
\usepackage[shortlabels]{enumitem} % change enum styles

    \subsubsection{Burden Shifting}
        \item Will contestant entitled to presumption of undue influence by showing:
            \item \textit{confidential relationship} between the alleged influencer and the testator;
                    \item fiduciary
                    \item attorney
                    \item dominant control
            \item and the presence of one or more \textit{suspicious circumstances}
                    \item unnatural disposition in will
                    \item secrecy
                    \item testator's susceptibility to influence
        \item \hl{Texas: there is no burden shifting and the contestant must establish each element with evidence.}
        \item \hl{Texas: there is no burden shifting and the contestant must establish each element with evidence.}


要切换文本,我会在 latex 中使用标志和if条件。我会单独保留 @cfr 提供的解决方案,这样您还可以突出显示普通文本,而不仅仅是列表。因此,您将有三个命令,tch用于tchitem突出显示文本并specificText选择是否隐藏文本。如果您想要一个命令,并且只使用列表,那么请随意将tchitem和合并specificText为一个。

标志\showtext控制代码是否显示(如果设置为)true或不显示(如果设置为)false。我必须提到,这样做是告诉 latex 不要看到条件中包含的代码部分if





\usepackage{color,soul} % for color and highlighting
\usepackage[shortlabels]{enumitem} % change enum styles

\NewDocumentCommand \tchlitem { +m }{% % Credit to @cfr
    \item {\bfseries\color{magenta}#1}%

\newif\ifshowtext % Creates "flag"
\showtexttrue        % Uncomment to show text enclosed in the command \specificText
%\showtextfalse   % Uncomment to hide text enclosed in the command \specificText

\newcommand{\specificText}[1]{% Wraps target text.

    \subsubsection{Burden Shifting}
        \item Will contestant entitled to presumption of undue influence by showing:
            \item \textit{confidential relationship} between the alleged influencer and the testator;
            \specificText{% < ----
                \tchlitem  {fiduciary}
                \tchlitem  {attorney}
                \tchlitem  {dominant control}
        }% < ----
            \item and the presence of one or more \textit{suspicious circumstances}
                \item unnatural disposition in will
                \item secrecy
                \item testator's susceptibility to influence
        \specificText{% < ----
        \tchlitem{Texas: there is no burden shifting and the contestant must establish each element with evidence.}
        }% < ----
