\usepackage{graphicx} % Required for inserting images
\usepackage{float} % Better figure and table placements
\noindent\begin{tabular}{ | p{1cm} | p{1.6cm} | p{11.9cm} |}\hline
\multicolumn{3}{|l|}{Program requirements} \\ \hline
Type & Priority & Requirement \\ \hline
FR & MUST & The system must present the user with a feed. \\ \hline
FR & MUST & The system must be user-friendly. \\ \hline
& & \\[-1ex]
\begin{tabular}{ | p{1cm} | p{1.5cm} | p{12cm} |}\hline
\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{User module requirements} \\
Type & Priority & Requirement \\ \hline
FR & MUST & First name property. \\ \hline
FR & MUST & Last name property. \\ \hline
FR & MUST & Base class. \\
} \\[10ex]
这可确保表格适合可用宽度(假设规则宽度为 0.4pt)。我还包含了一些关于您可能想要更改的内容的评论,例如,使用专业样式的表格规则,这意味着没有垂直线和水平线权重的变化。booktabs
\usepackage{float} % Better figure and table placements
\begin{table}[H]% H is NOT a good idea - if you don't want it to move from here, don't use a float
\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.3}% the group table will limit the effect - no need for another group
%\noindent% not necessary with \centering
% consider using sans serif, especially for column heads
\begin{tabularx}\linewidth{ | p{1cm} | p{1.6cm} | X |}
\hline % consider using professional tabular rules e.g. booktabs (but not with vertical lines!)
\multicolumn{3}{|l|}{Program requirements} \\ \hline
Type & Priority & Requirement \\ \hline
FR & MUST & The system must present the user with a feed. \\ \hline
FR & MUST & The system must be user-friendly. \\\hline
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth-2\tabcolsep-0.8pt}{ | p{1cm} | p{1.5cm} | X |}\hline
\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{User module requirements} \\
Type & Priority & Requirement \\ \hline
FR & MUST & First name property. \\ \hline
FR & MUST & Last name property. \\ \hline
FR & MUST & Base class. \\
} \\[10ex]