我想将标题中的“Symbols”替换为“PDG Values”。我必须使用哪个文件(例如 \listofnomenclature{ll} 给我“Symbols”)?
\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt, twoside]{Thesis}
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\lhead{\emph{PDG Values}}
Speed of Light & c = 1 (natural unit) \\
Planck's constant & $\hbar$ = 1 (natural unit) \\
Mass of $D^{*\pm}$ & $M_{D^{*\pm}}$ = 2010.26 $\pm$ 0.05 MeV \\
Mass of $D^{0}$ & $M_{D^{0}}$ = 1864.83 $\pm$ 0.05 MeV \\
Mass of $e$ & $M_{e}$ = 0.511 MeV \\
Mass of $\mu$ & $M_{\mu}$ = 105.66 MeV \\
Mass of $p$ & $M_{p}$ = 938.27 MeV \\
Mass of $K^{-}$ & $M_{K^{-}}$ = 493.67 $\pm$ 0.016 MeV \\
Mass of $\pi^{+}$ & $M_{\pi^{+}}$ = 139.57 MeV \\
Mass difference of $D{*\pm}$ \& $D^{0}$ & $\Delta$M = 145.4257 $\pm$ 0.0017 MeV \\
BF of $D^{0} \rightarrow K^{-}\pi^{+}$ & $\mathcal{B}(D^{0} \rightarrow K^{-}\pi^{+})$ = (3.946 $\pm$ 0.030) $\times$ 10$^{-2}$ \\