缩放外部化的 tikz 图片

缩放外部化的 tikz 图片

我用下列答案为了缩放我的 tikzpictures。

现在我想谈谈外部化图形的问题。问题是该autoscale autoid选项有时需要 2 次编译才能使图形达到正确的大小,因此tikzexternal库生成的 pdf 图像通常大小不正确。

但是现在这些图形已经外部化(并且每个图形都生成了一个 pdf),我认为没有必要再使用它们了autoscale autoid

是否可以创建一个 tikz 环境,允许您管理0.5\columnwidth导入的 pdf(对应于 tikz 图形)的大小(例如)?



\msg_new:nnn { nilcouv } { duplicate-figure-id }
  { duplicate~figure~identifier:~'#1'. }

% Sequence recording all figure identifiers (for the 'scale to max size' TikZ
% style) found so far
\seq_new:N \g__nilcouv_scale_to_max_style_figure_ids_seq
% Counter used when generating automatic figure identifiers for 'autoscale'
\int_new:N \g_nilcouv_last_autogenerated_figure_nb_int

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__nilcouv_check_unique_id:n #1
    \seq_if_in:NnTF \g__nilcouv_scale_to_max_style_figure_ids_seq {#1}
      { \msg_error:nnn { nilcouv } { duplicate-figure-id } {#1} }
      { \seq_gput_right:Nn \g__nilcouv_scale_to_max_style_figure_ids_seq {#1} }

% Automatic generation of figure ids (the pattern is defined here)
\cs_new:Npn \__nilcouv_autogenerated_id:n #1 { nilcouv~autogenerated~id~#1 }

\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__nilcouv_autogenerated_id:n { V }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__nilcouv_autoscale:nnn #1#2#3
  { \tikzset { scale~to~max~size={#1}{#2}{#3} } }

\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__nilcouv_autoscale:nnn { x }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__nilcouv_autoscale_autoid:nn #1#2
    % Increment the counter
    \int_gincr:N \g_nilcouv_last_autogenerated_figure_nb_int
    % Call the 'autoscale' style with the new id
      { \__nilcouv_autogenerated_id:V

% Set up aliases using LaTeX2e naming style
\cs_new_eq:NN \nilcouv@check@unique@id \__nilcouv_check_unique_id:n
\cs_new_eq:NN \nilcouv@autoscale@autoid \__nilcouv_autoscale_autoid:nn

% Autoscaling technique that doesn't affect font sizes in TikZ pictures.
% (based on code from marmot: <https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/497749/73317>)
% #1: unique per-picture id allowing several pictures to use this mechanism
%     in a given document (it should contain no control sequence token nor
%     active character)
% #2: target width
% #3: target height
  \path let
    \p1=($(current bounding box.north east)-(current bounding box.south west)$),
  in \pgfextra{\pgfmathsetmacro{\nilcouv@figscale}{min(\n1,\n2)}%
               \expandafter\xdef\csname nilcouv@auto@figscale@#1\endcsname{%
    \gdef\string\csname\space nilcouv@auto@figscale@#1\string\endcsname{%
      \csname nilcouv@auto@figscale@#1\endcsname}}%

  % Arguments: figure identifier, target width, target height
  scale to max size/.style n args={3}{
    execute at end picture={\nilcouv@ExportBB{#1}{#2}{#3}},
                 \ifcsname nilcouv@auto@figscale@#1\endcsname
                   \wlog{Found autoscale value for picture '#1'}%
                   \typeout{Automatically-scaled pictures: please recompile
                            for picture '#1'.}%
                     \csname nilcouv@auto@figscale@#1\endcsname{1}%
    scale=\csname nilcouv@auto@figscale@#1\endcsname,
  % Same style except the id is automatically generated using a counter
  autoscale autoid/.style 2 args={%
% End of the code based on <https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/497749/73317>


\begin{tikzpicture}[autoscale autoid={0.3\columnwidth}{\maxdimen}]
% Fonction 
\draw[dotted,thick] (1.39,0) -- (1.39, 0.86) -- (0,0.86) node[left] {\( f(x) \)};
\draw[thick] (1.39,-0.1) node[below] {\( x \)} -- (1.39,0.1);
\draw[<->,ultra thick] (1,-0.35) -- (2,-0.35);
\node at (1.5,-0.45){\(A\)};
\draw[dashed] (1, 0) -- (1, 1) -- (0, 1);
\draw[dashed] (2, 0) -- (2, 0.625) -- (0, 0.625);
\draw[<->,ultra thick] (-0.6,0.625) -- (-0.6,1);



这个想法cfr 的答案绝对合理:如果/当命令不想被记忆时,它应该发出\mmzAbort。这正是 Memoize 本身处理\refs 的方式:它会中止记忆,直到引用被定义。


  1. 枚举自动缩放的图片的缺点是,在插入或删除图片时需要重新编译它们。

  2. cfr 检测缩放因子是否稳定的机制对于记忆化来说是绝对必要的——否则,就无法判断图片何时准备好了。然而,她的修改带来了一个问题:当目标宽度/高度发生变化时,图片不会调整大小。

  3. 类似地,一旦被记忆,图片就永远不会被重新编译。当\columnwidth发生变化时,问题就会出现。(当图片的代码发生变化时,这不是问题,例如当0.3\columnwidth更改为时0.5\columnwidth。)

  4. 自动缩放代码应该在有或没有 Memoize 的情况下都能工作。

下面的代码解决了所有这些问题。此外,我还擅自将其分成一个包(autoscale.sty)和文档,并根据自己的喜好设计 UI ;-)

问题 (1) 也与 TikZexternal库有关,Memoize 通过引用图片源代码的 md5sums 解决了这个问题。这里的问题当然是获取源代码,但 Memoize 使用的机制也可以被其他软件包轻松使用,因为它是作为单独的软件包 Advice 提供的。下面,Advice 的配置是,每当tikzpicture调用环境时,\storemdfivesum都会执行。这个宏将整个环境作为参数,并且可以轻松计算其 md5sum — 然后调用原始的tikzpicture

我通过将.aux缩放因子存储到控制序列\autoscale@factor@<md5sum> @<目标维度> 中来解决问题 (2)。每当目标宽度或高度发生变化时, 中的因子.aux根本不适用,并且调整大小从头开始。

对于 (3),参数 被autoscale width/height附加到 Memoize 的上下文中 — 每当上下文的值(即扩展)发生变化时,extern 都会被重新编译。虽然\mmzset/\mmznext{context={columnwidth=\the\columnwidth}}文档本身中的某些内容可以工作,但下面的自动缩放宏也可以做到这一点,只需将任何参数粘贴到autoscale width/height上下文中(并说明在图片被记忆时可以附加上下文)。

(4) 对于希望支持它的软件包,Memoize 有一个内置解决方案:软件包存根memoizable,它将所有 Memoize 命令定义为虚拟命令。

%%%%%%%%% autoscale.sty %%%%%%%%%

% cwestiwn: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/699289/scaling-externalized-tikz-pictures

% When a package uses Memoize commands, one should say
% \RequirePackage{memoizable} to freely use \mmzset etc. even when Memoize is
% not loaded.
% I found two bugs in Memoize v1.0.0, however --- I forgot to load pgfkeys and
% define \mmzAbort in packages memoizable/nomemoize --- thus the workaround
% below (until v1.0.1).



% Automatically compute the md5sum of every tikzpicture environment; the md5sum
% is available, within and after the picture, in \currentmdfivesum.
\RequirePackage{advice} % actually unnecessary when Memoize is loaded
  .install advice,
  advice={tikzpicture}{inner handler=\storemdfivesum},
    oberdiek.pdftexcmds.mdfivesum("\luaescapestring{#1}", "byte")%

% The definition of autoscale begins here.

  % #1 = target width/height
  autoscale width/.code={\autoscale{#1}{width}{\x1}},
  autoscale height/.code={\autoscale{#1}{height}{\y1}},

% #1 = target width/height, #2 = "width"/"height", #3 = "\x1"/"\y1"
  \ifcsdef{autoscale@factor@\currentmdfivesum @\the\dimexpr#1\relax}{%
    \letcs\autoscale@factor{autoscale@factor@\currentmdfivesum @\the\dimexpr#1\relax}%
    execute at end picture=\autoscale@size@to@aux{#1}{#2}{#3},

% #1 = target width/height, #2 = "width"/"height", #3 = "\x1"/"\y1"
  \path let
  \p1=($(current bounding box.north east)-(current bounding box.south west)$),
  in \pgfextra{%
        \csgdef{autoscale@factor@\currentmdfivesum @\the\dimexpr#1\relax}{\autoscale@factor}%
      \mmzset{context={target #2=\the\dimexpr#1\relax}}%
        \csgdef{autoscale@factor@\currentmdfivesum @\the\dimexpr#1\relax}{\n2}%

% Such a macro is actually already defined by Memoize, but as we want autoscale
% to work without Memoize as well, I copied the definition here.  This macro
% checks whether the given dimensions (|#2| and |#3|) are equal within the
% tolerance given by |#1|. (We don't use |\ifpdfabsdim|, because it is
%   unavailable in \hologo{XeTeX}.)



% Memoize must be loaded before autoscale, because autoscale supports
% Memoize. And it must be loaded before tkz-fct, because the latter loads TikZ
% library "fadings".
\usepackage{autoscale} % loads TikZ as well



\begin{tikzpicture}[autoscale width=\columnwidth]
  % Fonction 
  \draw[dotted,thick] (1.39,0) -- (1.39, 0.86) -- (0,0.86) node[left] {\( f(x) \)};
  \draw[thick] (1.39,-0.1) node[below] {\( x \)} -- (1.39,0.1);
  % Annotations
  \draw[<->,ultra thick] (1,-0.35) -- (2,-0.35);
  \node at (1.5,-0.45){\(A\)};
  \draw[dashed] (1, 0) -- (1, 1) -- (0, 1);
  \draw[dashed] (2, 0) -- (2, 0.625) -- (0, 0.625);
  \draw[<->,ultra thick] (-0.6,0.625) -- (-0.6,1);




思考此版本有效。需要 3 次编译才能使输出稳定。并且(最终!)输出(希望)保持稳定。

这使用memoize而不是external库。如果您使用默认perl提取方法或python版本,则不需要完整的 shell-escape。

基本思想是,autoscale除非新计算的比例因子相差不大,否则不要使用新计算的比例因子,以防止原始代码所需的连续重新编译,否则该因子在每次编译时都会发生变化。 (这与外部化无关。 它只是原始代码的一个功能。)



% cwestiwn: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/699289/scaling-externalized-tikz-pictures

\msg_new:nnn { nilcouv } { duplicate-figure-id }
{ duplicate~figure~identifier:~'#1'. }

% Sequence recording all figure identifiers (for the 'scale to max size' TikZ
% style) found so far
\seq_new:N \g__nilcouv_scale_to_max_style_figure_ids_seq
% Counter used when generating automatic figure identifiers for 'autoscale'
\int_new:N \g_nilcouv_last_autogenerated_figure_nb_int

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__nilcouv_check_unique_id:n #1
  \seq_if_in:NnTF \g__nilcouv_scale_to_max_style_figure_ids_seq {#1}
  { \msg_error:nnn { nilcouv } { duplicate-figure-id } {#1} }
  { \seq_gput_right:Nn \g__nilcouv_scale_to_max_style_figure_ids_seq {#1} }

% Automatic generation of figure ids (the pattern is defined here)
\cs_new:Npn \__nilcouv_autogenerated_id:n #1 { nilcouv~autogenerated~id~#1 }

\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__nilcouv_autogenerated_id:n { V }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__nilcouv_autoscale:nnn #1#2#3
  \tikzset { scale~to~max~size={#1}{#2}{#3} } 

\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__nilcouv_autoscale:nnn { x }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__nilcouv_autoscale_autoid:nn #1#2
  % Increment the counter
  \int_gincr:N \g_nilcouv_last_autogenerated_figure_nb_int
  % Call the 'autoscale' style with the new id
  { \__nilcouv_autogenerated_id:V

% Set up aliases using LaTeX2e naming style
\cs_new_eq:NN \nilcouv@check@unique@id \__nilcouv_check_unique_id:n
\cs_new_eq:NN \nilcouv@autoscale@autoid \__nilcouv_autoscale_autoid:nn

% Autoscaling technique that doesn't affect font sizes in TikZ pictures.
% (based on code from marmot: <https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/497749/73317>)
% #1: unique per-picture id allowing several pictures to use this mechanism
%     in a given document (it should contain no control sequence token nor
%     active character)
% #2: target width
% #3: target height
  \path let
  \p1=($(current bounding box.north east)-(current bounding box.south west)$),
  in \pgfextra{\pgfmathsetmacro{\nilcouv@figscale}{min(\n1,\n2)}%
    \ifcsname nilcouv@auto@figscale@#1\endcsname
      \edef\nilcouv@tmpb{\csname nilcouv@auto@figscale@#1\endcsname}%
      \pgfmathsetmacro \nilcouv@tmpc{\nilcouv@tmpb - \nilcouv@figscale}%
      \ifdim \nilcouv@tmpc pt<0.1pt
        \expandafter\xdef\csname nilcouv@auto@figscale@#1\endcsname{%
        \expandafter\xdef\csname nilcouv@auto@figscale@#1\endcsname{%
      \edef\nilcouv@tmpe{\csname nilcouv@auto@figscale@old@#1\endcsname}%
    \gdef\string\csname\space nilcouv@auto@figscale@old@#1\string\endcsname{%
      \csname nilcouv@auto@figscale@#1\endcsname}%
    \gdef\string\csname\space nilcouv@auto@figscale@#1\string\endcsname{%
      \csname nilcouv@auto@figscale@#1\endcsname}}%

  % Arguments: figure identifier, target width, target height
  scale to max size/.style n args={3}{%
    execute at end picture={\nilcouv@ExportBB{#1}{#2}{#3}},
      \ifcsname nilcouv@auto@figscale@#1\endcsname
        \wlog{Found autoscale value for picture '#1'}%
        \typeout{Automatically-scaled pictures: please recompile
          for picture '#1'.}%
        \csname nilcouv@auto@figscale@#1\endcsname{1}%
    scale=\csname nilcouv@auto@figscale@#1\endcsname,
  % Same style except the id is automatically generated using a counter
  autoscale autoid/.style 2 args={%
% End of the code based on <https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/497749/73317>

\begin{tikzpicture}[autoscale autoid={0.3\columnwidth}{\maxdimen}]
  % Fonction 
  \draw[dotted,thick] (1.39,0) -- (1.39, 0.86) -- (0,0.86) node[left] {\( f(x) \)};
  \draw[thick] (1.39,-0.1) node[below] {\( x \)} -- (1.39,0.1);
  \draw[<->,ultra thick] (1,-0.35) -- (2,-0.35);
  \node at (1.5,-0.45){\(A\)};
  \draw[dashed] (1, 0) -- (1, 1) -- (0, 1);
  \draw[dashed] (2, 0) -- (2, 0.625) -- (0, 0.625);
  \draw[<->,ultra thick] (-0.6,0.625) -- (-0.6,1);

width is 96.05pt and height is 6.83331pt

width is 97.16948pt and height is 6.83331pt

width is 132.29497pt and height is 6.83331pt



使用 memoize 进行外部化、自动缩放图像


\mmzPrefix {.//prawf.}
\mmzUsedCMemo {.//prawf.AB565A279548684A84116CD5604FF9BE.memo}
\mmzUsedExtern {.//prawf.AB565A279548684A84116CD5604FF9BE-E778DCCCB8AAB0BBD3F6CFEEFD2421F8.pdf}
\mmzUsedCCMemo {.//prawf.AB565A279548684A84116CD5604FF9BE-E778DCCCB8AAB0BBD3F6CFEEFD2421F8.memo}




memoize我也考虑过新包装,@cfr 对此进行了很好的总结。 和他们的评论基本上也在这里实现。我没有使用链接的代码,而是使用ext.scalepicture我自己的库tikz-ext包裹并添加了两件事:

  1. 停止条件(参见/tikz/scale picture diff):


    如果没有它,有两个因素可能会导致这个过程永无止境,而 PGFMath 的不精确性也无济于事:

    1. 节点。
    2. 线宽。

    除非使用(节点)或(线宽),否则这两个东西都不会随scale/ xscale/缩放。而这两者我们通常都不想使用。yscaletransform shapetransform canvas


      \draw (0cm, 0cm) rectangle (1cm, 1cm);

    尺寸不是 1cm × 1cm 而是 (1cm + 0.4pt) × (1cm + 0.4pt),因为四边都添加了一半的线宽。(默认线宽为 0.4pt/ thin。)


    甚至有些图像根本无法缩放,这两个图像具有完全相同的尺寸(使用 depecratedright ofpositioningright=of——尽管我们可以node distance根据需要实现更好的键。

    \tikz[scale=1, nodes=draw]\node (A) {ABC} node[right of=A] {DEF};
    \tikz[scale=2, nodes=draw]\node (A) {ABC} node[right of=A] {DEF};
  2. \csname mmzAbort\endcsname然后使用宏(使\csname此代码与没有的文档兼容memoize



    如果您更改图表或/tikz/scale picture diff值,Memoize 会注意到并生成一张新图片。



  scale picture diff/.initial=+0.05pt,
  scale picture diff/.value to context}
\renewcommand*\tikzext@scalepicture@savepicturesize{% overwrite
  \pgf@process{\pgfpointdiff{\pgfpointanchor{current bounding box}{south west}}
                            {\pgfpointanchor{current bounding box}{north east}}}%
  \pgf@xa=\pgf@x \pgf@ya=\pgf@y
  \let\tikzext@scalepicture@savepicturesize\relax}% only once per picture
  \csname mmzAbort\endcsname}
% pgfmathapproxequalto checks against 0.0001, too precise for this
  \pgfmathsetlength\pgfutil@tempdima{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/scale picture diff}}%
  \advance#1by-#2\relax \ifdim#1<0pt #1=-#1\fi
  \ifdim#1<\pgfutil@tempdima\relax \expandafter\pgfutil@firstoftwo
                             \else \expandafter\pgfutil@secondoftwo \fi}


\begin{tikzpicture}[picture width=4cm, nodes=draw, ultra thick]
\node {ABC};
\node at (2,1) {DEF};


\begin{tikzpicture}[picture width=.3\columnwidth]
\draw[dotted,thick] (1.39,0) -- (1.39, 0.86) -- (0,0.86) node[left] {\( f(x) \)};
\draw[thick] (1.39,-0.1) node[below] {\( x \)} -- (1.39,0.1);
\draw[<->] (1,-0.35) -- (2,-0.35);
\node at (1.5,-0.45){\(A\)};
\draw[dashed] (1, 0) -- (1, 1) -- (0, 1);
\draw[dashed] (2, 0) -- (2, 0.625) -- (0, 0.625);
\draw[<->] (-0.6,0.625) -- (-0.6,1);

\tikz[scale=1, nodes=draw]\node (A) {ABC} node[right of=A] {DEF};
\tikz[scale=2, nodes=draw]\node (A) {ABC} node[right of=A] {DEF};


