有人能告诉我为什么我的垂直线在 1 和文本的第一部分之后停止了
C1&1& \multirow{9}{0.8\textwidth}{These three constants are specifically designed to address the total profit objective and serve as scaling factors for the cost and revenue aspects.The first constant, C1, is set to 1 since the actual apartment values are already incorporated into the revenue equation. The remaining two constants are introduced to ensure that when the real values are plugged into the equations alongside these constants, the total sum equates to 70 million euros. In this context, C1 accounts for the revenue, while the other two constants are used to approximate both the construction time and material expenses, each approximating around 35 million euros.}
Constant & Value \\ \hline
C1 & \phantom{0}1 \\
C2 & 10 \\
C3 & 50 \\ \hline
These three constants are specifically designed to address the total profit objective and serve as scaling factors for the cost and revenue aspects. The first constant, C1, is set to 1 since the actual apartment values are already incorporated into the revenue equation. The remaining two constants are introduced to ensure that when the real values are plugged into the equations alongside these constants, the total sum equates to 70 million euros. In this context, C1 accounts for the revenue, while the other two constants are used to approximate both the construction time and material expenses, each approximating around 35 million euros.
\begin{tblr}{hlines, vlines,
colspec = {l l X[cmd=\RaggedRight]},
cell{2}{3} = {r=3}{}, % for multi row cell
constants & value & context \\
C1 & 1 & These three constants are specifically designed to address the total profit objective and serve as scaling factors for the cost and revenue aspects.The first constant, C1, is set to 1 since the actual apartment values are already incorporated into the revenue equation. The remaining two constants are introduced to ensure that when the real values are plugged into the equations alongside these constants, the total sum equates to 70 million euros. In this context, C1 accounts for the revenue, while the other two constants are used to approximate both the construction time and material expenses, each approximating around 35 million euros. \\
C2 & 10 & \\
C3 & 50 & \\
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