在 tcolorbox 中并排显示

在 tcolorbox 中并排显示

我遇到一个问题,无法通过parallel包 创建新的图像行在此处输入图片描述



\captionsetup{labelfont=bf, singlelinecheck=true,figureposition=above}% added, had to be here
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\newcommand{\resteq}{\usetagform{brackets}  \setcounter{foo}{\value{equation}}

\day 20\month 10 \year 2023


        \iint_R xy \; dA
        over the region enclosed\footnote{text} between $y= \frac{1}{2}x$ ,  $ y= \sqrt{x}$ , $x=2$,$x=4$.
    \begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced,breakable,size=title,add to width=2.5cm,right skip=.5cm,left skip=0.2cm,,right=.36cm]
                    As we can see from the drawing \cref{fig:dr1} we take a vertical slice and then 
                    %       \rule{0pt}{1ex}
                        \int_{2}^{4}\int_{\frac{1}{2} x}^{\sqrt{x}} xy \; dydx
                        &= \int_{2}^{4} x \frac{y^2}{2}\Big|_{\frac{1}{2} x}^{\sqrt{x}}\\
                        \frac{1}{2}\int_{2}^{4} {x^2} -{\frac{1}{2} x^3} \; dx\\
                        \frac{1}{2} \left[\frac{x^3}{3} - \frac{x^4}{16}\right]_{2}^{4}\\
                    As we can see from the drawing \cref{fig:dr2} we take a horizontal slice and then 
                        \int_{\sqrt{2}}^{2} \int_{y^2}^{2y} xy  \tag*{I}\; dx dy\label{eq:ex1}\\
                        \int_{1}^{\sqrt{2}} \int_{2}^{2y} xy \; dx dy \tag*{II}\label{eq:ex2}
                    \int_{\sqrt{2}}^{2} \int_{y^2}^{2y} xy \; dx dy \;+ \int_{1}^{\sqrt{2}} \int_{2}^{2y} xy \; dx dy \tag*{III} \label{eq:ex3}
                    in \eqref{eq:ex1}
                        \int_{\sqrt{2}}^{2} \int_{y^2}^{2y} xy \; dx dy 
                        &=\int_{\sqrt{2}}^{2} x(\frac{y^2}{2}) \big|_{y^2}^{2y}\\
                        &=\frac{1}{2}\int_{\sqrt{2}}^{2} (4y^2-y^4) \\
                        &=\frac{1}{2}\left[ \left(2^4 - \frac{2^6}{6}\right)-\left((\sqrt{2})^4 - \frac{(\sqrt{2})^6}{6}\right)  \right] \\
                    in \eqref{eq:ex2}
                        \int_{1}^{\sqrt{2}} \int_{2}^{2y} xy \; dx dy 
                        \frac{1}{2} \int_{1}^{\sqrt{2}} y(4y^2-2^2)dy \\
                        &=\frac{(y^2-1)^2}{2}\big|_{1}^{\sqrt{2}}  \\
                    therefor \eqref{eq:ex3}
                    \int_{\sqrt{2}}^{2} \int_{y^2}^{2y} xy \; dx dy \;+ \int_{1}^{\sqrt{2}} \int_{2}^{2y} xy \; dx dy \; = \frac{11}{6}
