name = plot1,
width = 0.3\textwidth, height = 0.3\textwidth,
xtick pos=top, ytick pos=left,
name = plot2,
at = {($(plot1.south west)+(0.0cm,-0.2cm)$)}, anchor=north west,
width = 0.5\textwidth, height = 0.5\textwidth,
xmin=0, xmax=40, ymin=0, ymax=40,
\addplot coordinates{(10,10)} ;
% draw rectangle around data
\draw[dashed] (axis cs: 8, 8) rectangle (axis cs: 12, 12);
% draw line to top left corner of rectangle
\draw[dashed] (plot1.south west) -- ($(plot2.south west)+(0.8,1.2)$);
% draw line to to top right corner of rectangle
\draw[dashed] (plot1.south east) -- ($(plot2.south west)+(1.2,1.2)$);
name = plot1,
width = 0.3\textwidth, height = 0.3\textwidth,
xtick pos=top, ytick pos=left,
name = plot2,
at = {($(plot1.south west)+(0.0cm,-0.2cm)$)}, anchor=north west,
width = 0.5\textwidth, height = 0.5\textwidth,
xmin=0, xmax=40, ymin=0, ymax=40,
\addplot coordinates{(10,10)} ;
% draw rectangle around data
\node[rectangle,draw=black, dashed, minimum width = 0.5cm, minimum height = 0.5cm] (rect) at (axis cs: 10, 10) {};
% draw line to top left corner of rectangle
\draw[dashed] (plot1.south west) -- ($(rect.north west)$);
% draw line to to top right corner of rectangle
\draw[dashed] (plot1.south east) -- ($(rect.north east)$);