

我有兴趣创建一个自定义模板,如下所示第 1 页

第 1 页布局

第2页 第 2 页布局


\documentclass[12pt, letterpaper]{article}
\usepackage{graphicx}  % For including images
\usepackage{lipsum}    % For generating placeholder text. You can remove this in your final document.

% Page setup

% Define the page style
\fancypagestyle{firstpage}{ % Header for the first page
    \fancyhead[L]{\includegraphics[width=2cm]{example-image}}  % Left logo on the first page
    \fancyhead[R]{\includegraphics[width=2cm]{example-image}}  % Right logo on the first page
    \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}  % Remove horizontal line in header

\fancypagestyle{otherpages}{ % Header for subsequent pages
    \fancyhead[L]{\fancyplain{}{\leftmark}}  % Subject as header on other pages
    \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}  % Remove horizontal line in header

\renewcommand{\maketitle}{\thispagestyle{firstpage} % Apply the first page header style
        \vspace*{0cm}  % Remove the top space
        \includegraphics[width=2cm]{example-image}  % Left top logo
        \hfill  % Right-align the following text
        \textbf{Internal Report}  % Centered text
        \hfill  % Right-align the following text
        \includegraphics[width=2cm]{example-image}  % Right top logo
        \hrule  % Horizontal line
        \begin{flushleft} % Begin left-aligned block
        \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{}X r@{}} % Left-aligned text and right-aligned text
            To: Name1 & Date: \today \\ % Add the date right-aligned next to "To"
            \vspace{1\baselineskip}  % One line spacing
            From: Name2 \\
            \vspace{1\baselineskip}  % One line spacing
            Cc: Name3 \\
            \vspace{1\baselineskip}  % One line spacing
            Subject: Title
        \end{flushleft} % End left-aligned block
        \hrule  % Second horizontal line



%\pagestyle{otherpages} % Apply the header style for subsequent pages

\section*{Summary}  % This is the "Summary" section
%\hrule  % Start the section right after the second horizontal line
Summary content goes here.

%\newpage % Start a new page

\section*{Introduction}  % This is the "Introduction" section
Your report content goes here.

\subsection*{Subsection}  % This is a subsection without a number
More content.

\section*{Conclusion}  % This is the "Conclusion" section
Concluding remarks.


当前代码的输出如下:第 1 页 在此处输入图片描述

和第 2 页 在此处输入图片描述



  • 编写你自己的文档类tmplt.cls
  • 在主文档中使用它main.tex
  • 暂时忽略一些细微的调整障碍
  • 忽略所有字体问题,专注于 pdflatex



  • 分页符后\maketitle\tmplttitle{}改为使用(在 tmplt.cls 中)
  • 不过,肯定有一个解决方案来处理额外的分页符titlepage environment
  • 标题问题:已改编这是 2013 年的解决方案


% ~~~ create your own title page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
{{\parindent0pt% localized: disabling indenting of first line
    % ~~~ you could use your tabularx approach as well ~~~


                {\raisebox{.25in}{\large{Internal Report}}}%

处理 .cls 文件

在开发过程中,将其放在.cls与您的 相同的目录中是可以的main.tex


完成后,你可能想将课程移至TEXMF 根,并更新你的 Latex 发行版,例如通过你的MikTex 控制台之后,您就可以\documentclass{tmplt}像往常一样在任何地方使用它了。(并且不要忘记在那里提供文档。您迟早会自己需要它。)

tmplt.cls 提供的内容


% ~~~ default names, subject, date ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
\newcommand\nameto[0]{Name 1}


% ~~~ default for images ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


% ~~~ shortcuts to relevant sections ~~~~~~~~~~~~


在 main.tex 中使用 tmplt.cls

  • 指定此类
  • 使用覆盖默认值\renewcommand
  • 写出总结、简介、结论
  • 使用标准 Latex


 \summ{enter here}
 \intro{enter here}
 \concl{ener here}





% see e.g. "The Latex Companion", Mittelbach et. al.

% ~~~ 1) identification ~~~~~~~~~~

% ~~~ 2) initial code ~~~~~~~~~~
%        instead of \usepackage call

% ~~~ 3) declaration of options ~~~~~~~~~~

% ~~~ 4) execution of options ~~~~~~~~~~

% ~~~ 5) package loading ~~~~~~~~~~
  \LoadClass[12pt, letterpaper]{article}%       use as base class
  \RequirePackage[%showframe,% uncomment showframe to check layout settings

% ~~~ 6)  main code ~~~~~~~~~~
% ~~~ these ones can be useful for horizontal and vertical alignment ~~

% ~~~ default names, subject, date ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
\newcommand\nameto[0]{Name 1}
\newcommand\namefrom[0]{Name 2}
\newcommand\subj[0]{This is the title}

% ~~~ default for images ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

% ~~~ shortcuts to relevant sections ~~~~~~~~~~~~

% ~~~ create your own title page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
{{\parindent0pt% localized: disabling indenting of first line
    % ~~~ you could use your tabularx approach as well ~~~
%   \hrule%
  % ~~~ typesetting left column ~~~~~
        To:     & \nameto{}\\%
        From:   & \namefrom{}\\%
        Cc:     & \namecc{}\\%
        Subject:& \subj{}\\%
  % ~~~ typesetting right entry ~~~~~~~~

% ~~~ taking care of headers and footers ~~~~~~~~~~

% ~~~ adapted from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/122379/245790 ~~~
                {\raisebox{.25in}{\large{Internal Report}}}%


\documentclass{tmplt}%  <<< work with your template

% ~~~ overwrite tmplt variables as needed ~~~~~
\renewcommand\nameto{Dr. Cooper, Dr. Hofstadter}
\renewcommand\subj{This is the title, in a modified version}

% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

 % ~~~ 1) show the title pages as defined in tmplt ~~~

 % ~~~ 2) put your summary, from tmplt ~~~
 \summ{Something short.\\%
    Or perhaps not so short. Or even a bit more. The sky's the limit. Whatever limits the sky.%
 % ~~~ 3) put your introduction, from tmplt ~~~
 % ~~~ 4) use standards here ~~~
     \section*{Where it all started}
     Let's reflect the starting point a little.
     \subsection*{Where we were}
     \subsection*{Where we wanted to go}
     \section*{And so the story went}
 % ~~~ 5) put your conlcusion here, from tmplt ~~~
 \concl{Whatever it took.}
