

正如您所看到的,MWE 如下:


        \node[shape=rectangle,draw,inner sep=3pt] (char) {#1};}}

\newcommand\printmycorrectchoice{% you could use \foreach, but this is faster
    \bgroup% use local registers
    \count1=\value{correctchoice}% a macro would also work


\newcommand{\bubble}[1]% #1 is correct choice (out of 4)
    \advance\count1 by 1
    \chapter{Analysis of Algorithms}
        Which of the following answers is correct for the given recurrence relation $T(n)=T(n-1)+n$?
            \item $O(n^2)$
            \item $O(n^3)$
            \item $O(n^4)$
            \item $O(n\log n)$


    \chapter{answer Sheet}


我有一个小问题,希望得到帮助来解决。当我在正确的选择环境中使用命令 \bubble 时,LaTeX 给出了以下错误:








因此,让我们借助于 exsheets 的基础设施:

% The documentclass book does not offer an option 14pt !
% The documentclass book also does not offer an option cleardoublepage=... !
% (But scrbook does, afaik.)
% \documentclass[twoside,a4paper,cleardoublepage=empty,14pt]{book}
%\usepackage{multicol} % This is not needed for the MRE/MCVE

  runin = true ,
  number-post-code = \space ,
  % attach = { main[l,vc]points[l,vc](\linewidth+\marginparsep,0pt) } ,
  join = {
\SetupExSheets{counter-format=ch.qu[1], counter-within={chapter}}
\SetupExSheets[question]{type=exam, headings-format = {\large\bfseries}, name = Problem}
\SetupExSheets[solution]{headings=namelessrunin, headings-format={\normalsize\normalfont}}


    \node[shape=rectangle,draw,inner sep=3pt] (char) {#1};
    \node[shape=rectangle,draw,inner sep=3pt, fill=black] (char) {\phantom{#1}};

\bool_new:N \correctchoice_bool
\cs_new_protected:Npn \bubble #1 { % #1 is the comma-list with correct answers.
  \int_step_inline:nn {4} { % step from 1 to 4 a stepping variable which is denoted by ##1.
    \bool_set_false:N \correctchoice_bool
    \clist_map_inline:nn {#1} { % iterate the comma-list of numbers of correct answers;
                                % ####1 in each iteration denotes the number processed
                                % in the current iteration.
      % In the n-th step iteratively compare ##1 = n to all list-elements ####1
      % and in case n = ##1 is in the list of correct answers toggle the boolean
      \int_compare:nNnT {##1} = {####1}{ \bool_set_true:N \correctchoice_bool }
    % Depending on the boolean use \square or \squareblack:
    \use:c {squared \bool_if:NT \correctchoice_bool {black} }{\number##1}
    % If not dealing with number 4, the last number, append \quad:
    \int_compare:nNnT {##1} < {4} {\quad}


\chapter{Analysis of Algorithms}

Which of the following answers is correct for the given recurrence relation $T(n)=T(n-1)+n$?
\item $O(n^2)$
\item $O(n^3)$
\item $O(n^4)$
\item $O(n\log n)$

Which of the following answers are incorrect for the given recurrence relation $T(n)=T(n-1)+n$?
\item $O(n^2)$
\item $O(n^3)$
\item $O(n^4)$
\item $O(n\log n)$
\bubble{1, 3,4}

\chapter*{answer Sheet}

\chapter{Basic Number Theory}

Which are solutions to $(x_1)^2 + (x_2)^2 = (x_3)^2$?
\item $x_1=0$, $x_2=1$, $x_3=1$
\item $x_1=3$, $x_2=4$, $x_3=5$
\item $x_1=3$, $x_2=5$, $x_3=7$
\item $x_1=5$, $x_2=12$, $x_3=13$
\bubble{1,2 ,4}

Which are not solutions to $(x_1)^2 + (x_2)^2 = (x_3)^2$?
\item $x_1=0$, $x_2=1$, $x_3=1$
\item $x_1=3$, $x_2=4$, $x_3=5$
\item $x_1=3$, $x_2=5$, $x_3=7$
\item $x_1=5$, $x_2=12$, $x_3=13$

\chapter*{answer Sheet}





该机制内部依赖于\label-\ref这意味着您需要多次编译代码直到所有内容匹配,并且您需要遵守控制台和 .log 文件中有关需要重新运行 LaTeX 的警告 - 这些警告具有以下模式:
LaTeX Warning: Label(s) may have changed. Rerun to get cross-references right.

的每个实例\correctchoices都会创建一个交叉引用标签,通过该标签\ref— —\ref*如果加载了包 hyperref — — 您就可以获得. 为您执行/ 。
\correctchoicesline{⟨number of the question⟩}{⟨comma-list of numbers of correct answers⟩}\printpendingchoices\ref\ref*

因此,修改气泡外观的起点是宏\correctchoicesline,它依次打印⟨问题编号⟩ 的问题和呼吁\bubble,特此提供 ⟨正确答案数量的逗号列表⟩ 作为\bubble的论点。

% The documentclass book does not offer an option 14pt !
% The documentclass book also does not offer an option cleardoublepage=... !
% (But scrbook does, afaik.)
% \documentclass[twoside,a4paper,cleardoublepage=empty,14pt]{book}
%\usepackage{multicol} % This is not needed for the MRE/MCVE

\SetupExSheets{counter-format=ch.qu[1], counter-within={chapter}}

        \node[shape=rectangle,draw,inner sep=3pt] (char) {#1};}}
        \node[shape=rectangle,draw,inner sep=3pt, fill=black] (char) {\phantom{#1}};}}

\int_new:N \g_correctchoices_int
\int_new:N \g_printpendingchoices_intervallstart_int
\int_zero:N \g_correctchoices_int
\int_gset:Nn \g_printpendingchoices_intervallstart_int {1 + \g_correctchoices_int}
\cs_new_protected:Npn \correctchoices #1 {
  \cs_set:cpn {\tl_to_str:n{@currentlabel}} {
    \token_to_str:N \correctchoicesline{\exp_args:No\QuestionNumber{\CurrentQuestionID}}{#1}
  \int_gincr:N \g_correctchoices_int
  \label{\tl_to_str:n{@choice@:}\int_to_arabic:n{ \g_correctchoices_int }}
\cs_new_protected:Npn \correctchoicesline #1#2 {%
  % #1 number of question, #2 comma list with numbers of correct answers
\bool_new:N \correctchoice_bool
\cs_new_protected:Npn \bubble #1 { % #1 is the comma-list with correct answers.
  \int_step_inline:nn {4} { % step from 1 to 4 a stepping variable which is denoted by ##1.
    \bool_set_false:N \correctchoice_bool
    \clist_map_inline:nn {#1} { % iterate the comma-list of numbers of correct answers;
                                % ####1 in each iteration denotes the number processed
                                % in the current iteration.
      % In the n-th step iteratively compare ##1 = n to all list-elements ####1
      % and in case n = ##1 is in the list of correct answers toggle the boolean
      \int_compare:nNnT {##1} = {####1}{ \bool_set_true:N \correctchoice_bool }
    % Depending on the boolean use \square or \squareblack:
    \use:c {squared \bool_if:NT \correctchoice_bool {black} }{\number##1}
    % If not dealing with number 4, the last number, append \quad:
    \int_compare:nNnT {##1} < {4} {\quad}
\cs_new:Npn \printpendingchoices{
  \int_step_inline:nnn {\g_printpendingchoices_intervallstart_int}{\g_correctchoices_int} {
     \cs_if_exist:NTF \hyperref {\ref*} {\ref}  {\tl_to_str:n{@choice@:}\int_to_arabic:n{##1}}
  \int_gset:Nn \g_printpendingchoices_intervallstart_int {1 + \g_correctchoices_int}


\chapter{Analysis of Algorithms}

Which of the following answers is correct for the given recurrence relation $T(n)=T(n-1)+n$?
\item $O(n^2)$
\item $O(n^3)$
\item $O(n^4)$
\item $O(n\log n)$

Which of the following answers are incorrect for the given recurrence relation $T(n)=T(n-1)+n$?
\item $O(n^2)$
\item $O(n^3)$
\item $O(n^4)$
\item $O(n\log n)$
\correctchoices{1, 3,4}

\chapter*{answer Sheet}

\chapter{Basic Number Theory}

Which are solutions to $(x_1)^2 + (x_2)^2 = (x_3)^2$?
\item $x_1=0$, $x_2=1$, $x_3=1$
\item $x_1=3$, $x_2=4$, $x_3=5$
\item $x_1=3$, $x_2=5$, $x_3=7$
\item $x_1=5$, $x_2=12$, $x_3=13$
\correctchoices{1,2 ,4}

Which are not solutions to $(x_1)^2 + (x_2)^2 = (x_3)^2$?
\item $x_1=0$, $x_2=1$, $x_3=1$
\item $x_1=3$, $x_2=4$, $x_3=5$
\item $x_1=3$, $x_2=5$, $x_3=7$
\item $x_1=5$, $x_2=12$, $x_3=13$

\chapter*{answer Sheet}

