我想在 beamer 框架中包含以下算法。我的 MWE 如下所示
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\caption{Pseudocode for the GWO}
% \Procedure{Hybrid BAT-Genetic Algorithm}{}
\\Input :Grey wolf population:$X_{i}(i = 1, 2, ..., n)$,Maximum Number of iteration:Max\_it
\\Output :$X_{a}$ : Optimal Position(Optimized filter coefficients)
\\Objective function : PSNR
\\Initialize the Grey wolf population $X_{i} = (i=1,2, ...,n)$
\\Initialize the coefficient vectors a, A, and C
\State $\vec{A}=2\vec{a}\vec{r_1}-\vec{a}$
\State $\vec{C}=2\vec{r_2}$
\Comment where components of are linearly decreased from 2 to 0 over the course of iterations and,\\ are random vectors in $[0,1]$
\For{all $X_{i}$}
\State Calculate fitness $F(X_{i})$ of all $X_{i}$
\State Rank the gray wolf in descending order based on the fitness
\State $X_{\alpha}$ = the first search agent
\State $X_{\beta}$ = the second search agent
\State $X_{\delta}$ = the third search agent
\State t=1;
\While{t\textless Max\_it}
\State Update the position of the current search agent $\vec{F}(t+1) = \frac{\vec{F_{1}}+\vec{F_{2}}+\vec{F_{3}}}{3}$
\State Update $a$,$A$, and $C$
\For{all $X_{i}$}
\State Calculate fitness $F(X_{i})$ of all $X_{i}$
\State Update $X_{\alpha}$, $X_{\beta}$, and $X_{\delta}$
\State t=t+1;
\State Return the first best agent $X_{\alpha}$ found so far
\\Post-processing the results and visualization
% \EndProcedure
\documentclass[11pt]{beamer}% http://ctan.org/pkg/beamer
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\caption{Pseudocode for the GWO}
% \Procedure{Hybrid BAT-Genetic Algorithm}{}
\\Input :Grey wolf population:$X_{i}(i = 1, 2, ..., n)$,Maximum Number of iteration:Max\_it
\\Output :$X_{a}$ : Optimal Position(Optimized filter coefficients)
\\Objective function : PSNR
\\Initialize the Grey wolf population $X_{i} = (i=1,2, ...,n)$
\\Initialize the coefficient vectors a, A, and C
\State $\vec{A}=2\vec{a}\vec{r_1}-\vec{a}$
\State $\vec{C}=2\vec{r_2}$
\Comment where components of are linearly decreased from 2 to 0 over the course of iterations and,\\ are random vectors in $[0,1]$
\For{all $X_{i}$}
\State Calculate fitness $F(X_{i})$ of all $X_{i}$
% \caption{Pseudocode for the GWO}
\State Rank the gray wolf in descending order based on the fitness
\State $X_{\alpha}$ = the first search agent
\State $X_{\beta}$ = the second search agent
\State $X_{\delta}$ = the third search agent
\State t=1;
\While{t\textless Max\_it}
\State Update the position of the current search agent \mbox{$\vec{F}(t+1) = \frac{\vec{F_{1}}+\vec{F_{2}}+\vec{F_{3}}}{3}$}
\State Update $a$,$A$, and $C$
\For{all $X_{i}$}
\State Calculate fitness $F(X_{i})$ of all $X_{i}$
\State Update $X_{\alpha}$, $X_{\beta}$, and $X_{\delta}$
\State t=t+1;
\State Return the first best agent $X_{\alpha}$ found so far
\\Post-processing the results and visualization
% \EndProcedure