为什么此 merriweather 字体 PDF 在 LuaLaTeX 和 XeLaTeX 中的输出不同?

为什么此 merriweather 字体 PDF 在 LuaLaTeX 和 XeLaTeX 中的输出不同?

这是 MWE,使用merriweather






使用 LuaLaTeX 和 XeLaTeX 分别编译,会产生不同的 PDF 输出。LuaLaTeX 输出(第一段)看起来不错:


但它是不可搜索的。标记第一个 lipsum 句子并复制它得到:“L orem ip sum do lo rs it amet, consec te tu erad ip is c in ge lit。”

另一方面,XeLaTeX 很好(“Lorem ipsum”被突出显示,因为我在 PDF 阅读器中将其用作搜索项示例。)


我想了解 LuaLaTeX 发生了什么,并了解是否有简单的方法可以解决这个问题。我以前从未在其他字体上看到过这种行为。


在 LuaTeX 更新之前,您可以使用 TrueType 版本的字体作为解决方法。如果您的系统上安装了这些版本,则以下软件包merriweather-mod.sty应提供与原始软件包相同的功能,但使用 TrueType 字体来避免错误。

   2023/11/08 (Kubo) Modified support for Merriweather(Sans) fonts for all LaTeX engines. ] 
% this file is a derived work under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public 
% License, being a modification of merriweather.sty 2022/09/20 (Bob Tennent)
% Changes: load truetype rather than opentype fonts to workaround 
% incompatibility with LuaTeX (https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/700598/)

\else  % [pdf]LaTeX

\newcommand*{\Merriwthr@scale}{1}  % not adjustable

\newif\ifmerriweather@rm \merriweather@rmfalse
\newif\ifmerriweather@sf \merriweather@sffalse
\newif\ifmerriweather@sfdefault \merriweather@sfdefaultfalse
\newif\ifmerriweather@rmlight \merriweather@rmlightfalse
\newif\ifmerriweather@sflight \merriweather@sflightfalse
\newif\ifmerriweather@rmblack \merriweather@rmblackfalse
\newif\ifmerriweather@sfblack \merriweather@sfblackfalse
\newif\ifmerriweather@rmlining \merriweather@rmliningfalse
\newif\ifmerriweather@rmtabular \merriweather@rmtabularfalse
\newif\ifmerriweather@sflining \merriweather@sfliningfalse
\newif\ifmerriweather@sftabular \merriweather@sftabularfalse




  \merriweather@rmtrue\merriweather@sftrue  % both false -> both true




\else % type1




% Set main and/or sans fonts:

     Ligatures = TeX ,
     Extension = .ttf ,
            [ Numbers = {\merriweather@figurealign,\merriweather@figurestyle},
              UprightFont    = *-Light ,
              ItalicFont     = *-LightItalic ,
              BoldFont       = *-Black , 
              BoldItalicFont = *-BlackItalic ]
            [ Numbers = {\merriweather@figurealign,\merriweather@figurestyle},
              UprightFont    = *-Light ,
              ItalicFont     = *-LightItalic ,
              BoldFont       = *-Black , 
              BoldItalicFont = *-BlackItalic ]
            [ Numbers = {\merriweather@figurealign,\merriweather@figurestyle},
              UprightFont    = *-Light ,
              ItalicFont     = *-LightItalic ,
              BoldFont       = *-Bold , 
              BoldItalicFont = *-BoldItalic ]
            [ Numbers = {\merriweather@figurealign,\merriweather@figurestyle},
              UprightFont    = *-Light ,
              ItalicFont     = *-LightItalic ,
              BoldFont       = *-Bold , ]
            [ Numbers = {\merriweather@figurealign,\merriweather@figurestyle},
              UprightFont    = *-Regular ,
              ItalicFont     = *-Italic ,
              BoldFont       = *-Black , 
              BoldItalicFont = *-BlackItalic ]
            [ Numbers = {\merriweather@figurealign,\merriweather@figurestyle},
              UprightFont    = *-Regular ,
              ItalicFont     = *-Italic ,
              BoldFont       = *-Black , 
              BoldItalicFont = *-BlackItalic ]
            [ Numbers = {\merriweather@figurealign,\merriweather@figurestyle},
              UprightFont    = *-Regular ,
              ItalicFont     = *-Italic ,
              BoldFont       = *-Bold , 
              BoldItalicFont = *-BoldItalic ]
            [ Numbers = {\merriweather@figurealign,\merriweather@figurestyle},
              UprightFont    = *-Regular ,
              ItalicFont     = *-Italic ,
              BoldFont       = *-Bold , 
              BoldItalicFont = *-BoldItalic ]
            [ Numbers = {\merriweathersans@figurealign,\merriweathersans@figurestyle},
              Scale     = \MerriwthrSans@scale ,
              UprightFont    = *-Light ,
              ItalicFont     = *-LightItalic ,
              BoldFont       = *-Black , 
              BoldItalicFont = *-UltraBoldItalic ]  
            [ Numbers = {\merriweathersans@figurealign,\merriweathersans@figurestyle},
              Scale     = \MerriwthrSans@scale ,
              UprightFont    = *-Light ,
              ItalicFont     = *-LightItalic ,
              BoldFont       = *-Black , 
              BoldItalicFont = *-UltraBoldItalic ]  
            [ Numbers = {\merriweathersans@figurealign,\merriweathersans@figurestyle},
              Scale     = \MerriwthrSans@scale ,
              UprightFont    = *-Light ,
              ItalicFont     = *-LightItalic ,
              BoldFont       = *-Bold , 
              BoldItalicFont = *-BoldItalic ]  
            [ Numbers = {\merriweathersans@figurealign,\merriweathersans@figurestyle},
              Scale     = \MerriwthrSans@scale ,
              UprightFont    = *-Light ,
              ItalicFont     = *-LightItalic ,
              BoldFont       = *-Bold , 
              BoldItalicFont = *-BoldItalic ]  
            [ Numbers = {\merriweathersans@figurealign,\merriweathersans@figurestyle},
              Scale     = \MerriwthrSans@scale ,
              UprightFont    = *-Regular ,
              ItalicFont     = *-Italic ,
              BoldFont       = *-Black , 
              BoldItalicFont = *-UltraBoldItalic ]  
            [ Numbers = {\merriweathersans@figurealign,\merriweathersans@figurestyle},
              Scale     = \MerriwthrSans@scale ,
              UprightFont    = *-Regular ,
              ItalicFont     = *-Italic ,
              BoldFont       = *-Black , 
              BoldItalicFont = *-UltraBoldItalic ]  
            [ Numbers = {\merriweathersans@figurealign,\merriweathersans@figurestyle},
              Scale     = \MerriwthrSans@scale ,
              UprightFont    = *-Regular ,
              ItalicFont     = *-Italic ,
              BoldFont       = *-Bold , 
              BoldItalicFont = *-BoldItalic ]  
            [ Numbers = {\merriweathersans@figurealign,\merriweathersans@figurestyle},
              Scale     = \MerriwthrSans@scale ,
              UprightFont    = *-Regular ,
              ItalicFont     = *-Italic ,
              BoldFont       = *-Bold , 
              BoldItalicFont = *-BoldItalic ]  
  % grab the \sfdefault in case it changes subsequently:
      [ Numbers = {\merriweather@figurealign,\merriweather@figurestyle},
        UprightFont    = *-Light ,
        ItalicFont     = *-LightItalic ,
        BoldFont       = *-Light , 
        BoldItalicFont = *-LightItalic ]
      [ Numbers = {\merriweathersans@figurealign,\merriweathersans@figurestyle},
        Scale     = \MerriwthrSans@scale ,
        UprightFont    = *-Light ,
        ItalicFont     = *-LightItalic ,
        BoldFont       = *-Light ,
        BoldItalicFont = *-LightItalic ]  
      [ Numbers = {\merriweather@figurealign,\merriweather@figurestyle},
        UprightFont    = *-Black ,
        ItalicFont     = *-BlackItalic ,
        BoldFont       = *-Black , 
        BoldItalicFont = *-BlackItalic ]
      [ Numbers = {\merriweathersans@figurealign,\merriweathersans@figurestyle},
        Scale     = \MerriwthrSans@scale ,
        UprightFont    = *-Black ,
        ItalicFont     = *-UltraBoldItalic ,
        BoldFont       = *-Black ,
        BoldItalicFont = *-UltraBoldItalic ]  

\else % type1








% turn off defaults in case other fonts are selected:


