带有长表标题的对称 Tufte 书?

带有长表标题的对称 Tufte 书?

我使用 Pandoc 生成使用 longtable 的 LaTeX。默认情况下,longtable 的表格标题不会放置在边距中。根据此答案,可行的解决方案是以下 hack:


在 tufte-latex 文档中使用 longtable 在外边距中添加标题

但是,这总是将标题放在右侧。使用对称文档选项,边距会交替,因此会破坏边距放置。这是使用最新的 TinyTeX 和 XeTeX 引擎(尽管 PDFTeX 不会显示相同的错误)。


字幕位置损坏: 字幕位置损坏

显示略微缩进的边距标题: 显示略微缩进的边距标题




% fix longtable captions:
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/182653/caption-in-the-outer-margin-using-longtable-within-a-tufte-latex-document


            Heading & Style & Size \\
            Part & roman & {40} \\
            Chapter & italic & {40} \\
            Section & italic & {26} \\
            Subsection & italic & {26} \\
            Paragraph & italic & 10/14 \\
    \caption{This is a table with a caption. This is some filler text.}

Here is some text.\marginnote{This is a marginnote.}

    \caption{This is a longtable with a caption. This is some filler text.}\tabularnewline
    Sun & Earth & Moon \\
    Sun & Earth & Moon \\
    A & D & G \\
    B & E & H \\
    C & F & I \\


    Heading & Style & Size \\
    Part & roman & {40} \\
    Chapter & italic & {40} \\
    Section & italic & {26} \\
    Subsection & italic & {26} \\
    Paragraph & italic & 10/14 \\
    \caption{This is a table with a caption. This is some filler text.}

Here is some text.\marginnote{This is a marginnote.}

    \caption{This is a longtable with a caption. This is some filler text.}\tabularnewline
    Sun & Earth & Moon \\
    Sun & Earth & Moon \\
    A & D & G \\
    B & E & H \\
    C & F & I \\






\def\LT@makecaption#1#2#3{% ateb David Carlisle: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/183344/ -> +symmetry: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/701116/
              \@tufte@caption@font \@tufte@caption@justification \noindent 
              #1{#2: }\ignorespaces #3}}%
              \@tufte@caption@font \@tufte@caption@justification \noindent 
              #1{#2: }\ignorespaces #3}%


      Heading & Style & Size \\
      Part & roman & {40} \\
      Chapter & italic & {40} \\
      Section & italic & {26} \\
      Subsection & italic & {26} \\
      Paragraph & italic & 10/14 \\
 \caption{Heading styles used in.}

\caption{Verification methods.}\\
Requirement id & Review of design & Analysis & Inspection & Test \\
Requirement id & Review of design & Analysis & Inspection & Test \\
One & * & & & \\
Two & * & & & \\
Three & * & & & \\
Four & * & & & \\


\caption{Verification methods.}\\
Requirement id & Review of design & Analysis & Inspection & Test \\
Requirement id & Review of design & Analysis & Inspection & Test \\
One & * & & & \\
Two & * & & & \\
Three & * & & & \\
Four & * & & & \\


下面添加了一个框架来演示与页面布局的关系。这显示了更正后的水平对齐,但需要添加垂直调整,如 David 在其原始答案的评论中所述。

