我正在尝试绘制一个三角形,其顶点位于圆的三等分点。奇怪的是,当我使用时\draw[thick] (u) -- (v) -- (w) --cycle
,它会错过一条边 uw。这是为什么?\draw[thick] (u) -- (v) -- (w) --(u)
% Dividing the circle into thirds
% Defining the required angles and labels for the first set of nodes
\foreach \angle/\label in {30/u, -90/v, 150/w} {
% Drawing the points and labeling them
\node at (\angle:2) [circle,fill=white,draw=black,inner sep=2pt] (\label) {$\label$};
% Connecting the three points to form a triangle
\draw[thick] (u) -- (v) -- (w) --cycle;
\end {scope}
\begin {scope}
% Dividing the circle into thirds
% Defining the required angles and labels for the second set of nodes
\foreach \angle/\label in {30/u, -90/v, 150/w} {
% Drawing the points and labeling them
\node at (\angle:2) [circle,fill=white,draw=black,inner sep=2pt] (\label) {$\label$};
% Connecting the three points to form a triangle (closing the shape)
\draw[thick] (u) -- (v) -- (w) -- (u);
\end {scope}