我尝试使用 p{unit} 更改列,还尝试使用 thead 让表格中的最后一行换行。文本太多,超出页面范围,导致其他文本无法显示。有没有办法可以换行最后一行?
\node[ellipse,draw,text=blue,fill=white] (e) at (10.75,22) {\LARGE{UNIT 6}};
\node at (4,22.5){\Large{\textbf{Class Notes/}}};
\node at (4.5,22){\Large{\textbf{Guided Practice}}};
\node[anchor=west] at (13,22.6){\large{\textbf{Contextual}}};
\node[anchor=west] at (13,21.85){\large{\textbf{Applications of}}};
\node[anchor=west] at (13,21.3){\large{\textbf{Differentiation}}};
%-------------------------LESSON SUMMARY------------------------
\cellcolor{black}\textcolor{white}{FUN} & \cellcolor{ND2}AP Calculus BC & \cellcolor{ND2}Flint Hill Upper School & \cellcolor{ND2}Mr. Bennett \\ \hline
\rowcolor{brown!50}\cellcolor{ND1}\textcolor{white}{4}&Topic 6.8& \thead{Finding Antiderivatives and \\ Indefinite Inetgrals: Basic Rules and Notation} & Day 1 \& 2 \\ \hline
\multicolumn{4}{|l|}{\cellcolor{ND2}{\textbf{Learning Objective CHA-6C: Determine antiderivatives of functions and indefinite integrals, using knowledge of derivatives}.}} \\ \hline
- 第三列使用的
列类型可以自动将长文本拆分为几行: - 对于最后一行,使用选项
%--------------- show page layout. don't use in a real document!
shapes.geometric, shapes.multipart}
node distance = 0pt and 0.04\textwidth,
base/.style = {draw, thick, fill=blue!15,
inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt, minimum height=24mm,
M/.style = {base,
rectangle split, rectangle split parts=2, rectangle split horizontal,
rectangle split draw splits=false,
%rectangle split empty part width=0.22\textwidth,
text width = \dimexpr0.24\textwidth-0.5\pgflinewidth, align=center
N/.style = {base, text width =\dimexpr0.48\textwidth-0.5\pgflinewidth, align=center},
\node (n1) [N] {Class Notes\\Guided Practice};
\node (n2) [M, right=of n1]
{\nodepart{two} Contextual Applications of Differentiation};
\node[ellipse,draw, font=\Large, text=blue,fill=white] at (n2.mid) {UNIT 6};
%-------------------------LESSON SUMMARY------------------------
\begin{tblr}{hlines, vlines,
colspec = {c c X[c, m] c},
row{1,3} = {bg=ND1},
row{1,3} = {bg=ND2},
cell{1,2}{1} = {bg=black,fg=white},
cell{3}{1} = {c=4}{l},
hspan = minimal}
FUN & AP Calculus BC & Flint Hill Upper School & Mr. Bennett \\
4 & Topic 6.8 & Finding Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integrals: Basic Rules and Notation
& Day 1 \& 2 \\
Learning Objective CHA-6C: Determine antiderivatives of functions and indefinite integrals, using knowledge of derivatives.
& & & \\
\mulicolumn{4}{p<usable width>}{...}
最后一行的材料。要确定的值 <usable width>
,以及减LaTeX 在左边和右边插入的填充(参数:)\tabcolsep
%% I've simplified the preamble as much as possible
\usepackage{calc} % <-- new, to simplify dimension calculations
\setlength\extrarowheight{2pt} % optional, for a less-cramped look
%\centering % not needed
\begin{tabular}[h]{|c|c|c|c|} % LaTeX will determine width of fourth 'c' col. as a residual
\cellcolor{black}\textcolor{white}{\bfseries FUN} &
AP Calculus BC & Flint Hill Upper School & Mr.\ Bennett \\
\cellcolor{ND1}\textcolor{white}{\bfseries 4} &
Topic 6.8 &
\thead{Finding Antiderivatives and \\
Indefinite Integrals: Basic Rules and Notation}
& Day 1 \& 2 \\
>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{% % suppress justification and hyphenation
\textwidth-2\tabcolsep-2\arrayrulewidth}|}{% % calculate usable width
\bfseries Learning Objective CHA-6C: Determine antiderivatives of
functions and indefinite integrals, using knowledge of derivatives.} \\