如何修复 \maketitle 未定义的控制序列?

如何修复 \maketitle 未定义的控制序列?

这是我的代码,ucscthesisbs 文档类是我教授提供的模板,过去没有引起任何问题,我不确定如何将其包含在这个问题中,因为它太长而无法复制粘贴,这里有一个链接:文档类。错误信息如下:


错误消息顶行末尾的控制序列从未被 \def 过。如果您拼错了它(例如,\hobx'), typeI')和正确的拼写(例如,`I\hbox')。否则继续,我会忘记未定义的任何东西。




\title{Optical Tweezers}
\affil{Rebecca, Aidan}


The basic principle behind optical tweezers is that the forces exerted by a laser can manipulate small objects. In this experiment we recorded the interactions and movements of a 0.99 $\mu m$ and 1.99 $\mu m$ diameter bead sample with a L658P040 laser diode. 




  • \campus
  • \degree
  • \field
  • \degreemonth
  • \degreeyear




\title{Optical Tweezers}
\affil{Rebecca, Aidan}


The basic principle behind optical tweezers is that the forces exerted by a laser can manipulate small objects. In this experiment we recorded the interactions and movements of a 0.99 $\mu m$ and 1.99 $\mu m$ diameter bead sample with a L658P040 laser diode. 
