在 tcolorbox 中的表格中添加脚注

在 tcolorbox 中的表格中添加脚注

我已经使用 tcolorbox 放置了一个表格由@Ignasi 发布。


如果可能的话,我希望将 tcolorbox 保留在 minipage 内,因为我发现对齐 2 个 minipage 比对齐 2 个 tcolorbox 更容易。(但也许有一种简单的方法可以对齐 2 个 tcolorbox,而我只是不知道。)


\usepackage[left=19mm, right=19mm,top=18mm,bottom=18mm,includehead=true]{geometry}
\usepackage{tcolorbox, varwidth}

\newtcolorbox[blend into=tables]{TableStyle1}[2][]{title={#2}, before upper=\centering, #1}    


Some introductory text....

\begin{TableStyle1}[capture=hbox, colback=white, colframe=blue!15, coltitle=black, fonttitle=\bfseries]{Proposed frequency of CT scans}
\begin{tabular}{m{24mm} m{24mm} m{16mm}}

Date & Scan & mSv \\
early Jan 2024 & CT CAP & 24 mSv \\
May 2024 & CT AP | CXR & 16 mSv \\
Nov 2024 & CT AP | CXR & 16 mSv\\
Aug 2025 & CT CAP & 24 mSv \\
Aug 2026 & CT AP | CXR & 16 mSv \\
Aug 2027 & CT AP | CXR & 16 mSv\\
Aug 2028 & CT AP | CXR & 16 mSv \\
\textbf{TOTAL*}& & \textbf{176 mSv} \\
*This total includes the 48 mSv already obtained from previous scans.

Some more text....





首先,关闭[collect=hbox]。minpage 所做的只是设置宽度。我将“脚注”放在里面\parbox以关闭居中。

\usepackage[left=19mm, right=19mm,top=18mm,bottom=18mm,includehead=true]{geometry}
\usepackage{tcolorbox, varwidth}

\newtcolorbox[blend into=tables]{TableStyle1}[2][]{title={#2}, before upper=\centering, #1}    


Some introductory text....

\begin{minipage}{0.5\textwidth}% set width of title
\begin{TableStyle1}[colback=white, colframe=blue!15, coltitle=black, fonttitle=\bfseries]{Proposed frequency of CT scans}
\begin{tabular}{m{24mm} m{24mm} m{16mm}}

Date & Scan & mSv \\
early Jan 2024 & CT CAP & 24 mSv \\
May 2024 & CT AP | CXR & 16 mSv \\
Nov 2024 & CT AP | CXR & 16 mSv\\
Aug 2025 & CT CAP & 24 mSv \\
Aug 2026 & CT AP | CXR & 16 mSv \\
Aug 2027 & CT AP | CXR & 16 mSv\\
Aug 2028 & CT AP | CXR & 16 mSv \\
\textbf{TOTAL*}& & \textbf{176 mSv} \\
%\hrule% show available space
\parbox{\textwidth}{% turn off centering
*This total includes the 48 mSv already obtained from previous scans.}

Some more text....




使用minipage{0.33\linewidth],我们有一个Overfull \hbox超过 97pt 的宽度。您需要0.53\linewidth或减少表格的宽度(您也可以使用tabularxtabularray包)

\usepackage[left=19mm, right=19mm,top=18mm,bottom=18mm,includehead=true]{geometry}
\usepackage{tcolorbox, varwidth}

\newtcolorbox[blend into=tables]{TableStyle1}[2][]{title={#2}, before upper=\centering, #1}    
Some introductory text....

\begin{minipage}{0.53\linewidth}%<-- this line
\begin{TableStyle1}[colback=white, colframe=blue!15, coltitle=black, fonttitle=\bfseries]{Proposed frequency of CT scans}
\begin{tabular}{m{24mm} m{24mm} m{16mm}}

Date & Scan & mSv \\
early Jan 2024 & CT CAP & 24 mSv \\
May 2024 & CT AP | CXR & 16 mSv \\
Nov 2024 & CT AP | CXR & 16 mSv\\
Aug 2025 & CT CAP & 24 mSv \\
Aug 2026 & CT AP | CXR & 16 mSv \\
Aug 2027 & CT AP | CXR & 16 mSv\\
Aug 2028 & CT AP | CXR & 16 mSv \\
\textbf{TOTAL\footnote{This total includes the 48 mSv already obtained from previous scans.}}& & \textbf{176 mSv} \\

Some more text....




\usepackage[left=19mm, right=19mm,top=18mm,bottom=18mm,includehead=true]{geometry}
\usepackage{tcolorbox, varwidth}


\newtcolorbox[blend into=tables]{TableStyle1}[2][]{title={#2}, before upper=\centering, #1}    
Some introductory text....

\begin{minipage}{0.53\linewidth}%<-- this line
\begin{TableStyle1}[capture=hbox,colback=white, colframe=blue!15, coltitle=black, fonttitle=\bfseries]{Proposed frequency of CT scans}
\begin{NiceTabular}{m{24mm} m{24mm} m{16mm}}

Date & Scan & mSv \\
early Jan 2024 & CT CAP & 24 mSv \\
May 2024 & CT AP | CXR & 16 mSv \\
Nov 2024 & CT AP | CXR & 16 mSv\\
Aug 2025 & CT CAP & 24 mSv \\
Aug 2026 & CT AP | CXR & 16 mSv \\
Aug 2027 & CT AP | CXR & 16 mSv\\
Aug 2028 & CT AP | CXR & 16 mSv \\
\textbf{TOTAL\tabularnote{This total includes the 48 mSv already obtained from previous scans.}}& & \textbf{176 mSv} \\

Some more text....

