



Mico 建议一个办法,部分可行。但当我点击练习 2.3 时,系统却将我带到练习 1.3。


\newcounter{counterE} % for use in Appendix B

\usepackage[pagebackref=true, colorlinks=true, linkcolor=blue, citecolor=blue, linkcolor=blue, anchorcolor=red, urlcolor=blue]{hyperref}
\usepackage{url, amsmath,enumerate,fancyhdr,amssymb, amsthm, 
    pstricks, epsf, lscape, ifpdf, graphicx, float}



\section{First section} 

    This is the first exercise in this section.   

    This is the second exercise in this section. 

Additional exercises for this section are in \cref{exer-app-first}. 

\section{Second section} \label{second-section} 

    This is the first exercise in this section.

    This is the second exercise in this section. 

Additional exercises for this section are in  \cref{exer-app-second}. 

        Referencing Exercise \ref{exer-13}.   
    Referencing Exercise \ref{exer-23}. 
% change the prefix variable to "counterE"

\section{Supplemental materials} 

\section{Additional exercises}

\subsection{Additional exercises for \cref{first-section}}  

\setcounter{counterE}{1} % number of first section
\setcounter{Exercise}{2} % number of last exercise in first section   

\begin{Exercise} \label{exer-13} 
    This exercise should be called ``Exercise 1.3.''

\begin{Exercise}  \label{exer-14}  
    This exercise should be called ``Exercise 1.4.''

\subsection{ Additional exercises for \cref{second-section}}  

\setcounter{counterE}{2} % number of second section
\setcounter{Exercise}{2} % number of last exercise in second section
\begin{Exercise}    \label{exer-23} 
    This exercise should be called ``Exercise 2.3.''

\begin{Exercise}  \label{exer-24} 
    This exercise should be called ``Exercise 2.4.''





\newcounter{counterE} % for use in Appendix B
\theoremstyle{definition} % upright lettering



\section{First section} 

This is the first exercise in this section.   
This is the second exercise in this section. 
Additional exercises for this section are in \cref{exer-app-first}. 

\section{Second section} \label{second-section} 
This is the first exercise in this section.

This is the second exercise in this section. 
Additional exercises for this section are in  \cref{exer-app-second}. 

   % change the prefix variable to "counterE"

\section{Supplemental materials} 
\section{Additional exercises}

\subsection{Additional exercises for \cref{first-section}}  
\setcounter{counterE}{1} % number of first section
\setcounter{Exercise}{2} % number of last exercise in first section   

This exercise should be called ``Exercise 1.3.''
This exercise should be called ``Exercise 1.4.''
\subsection{ Additional exercises for \cref{second-section}}  

\setcounter{counterE}{2} % number of second section
\setcounter{Exercise}{2} % number of last exercise in second section
This exercise should be called ``Exercise 2.3.''
This exercise should be called ``Exercise 2.4.''

附录回答 OP 的后续查询。首先,我们要注意的是,OP 的后续查询中提出的问题主要取决于以下两个条件,两者都不是原始查询中已说明。首先,该hyperref包正在被使用。其次,正在创建对附录 B 中的练习环境的交叉引用。



\theoremstyle{definition} % upright lettering

\newcounter{counterE} % for use in Appendix B



Cross-references to Exercises \labelcref{ex_B_aa}, \labelcref{ex_B_ab}, \labelcref{ex_B_ba}, and \labelcref{ex_B_bb}.

\section{First section} 

This is the first exercise in this section.   
This is the second exercise in this section. 
Additional exercises for this section are in \cref{exer-app-first}. 

\section{Second section} \label{second-section} 
This is the first exercise in this section.

This is the second exercise in this section. 
Additional exercises for this section are in  \cref{exer-app-second}. 

\renewcommand\theExercise{\arabic{counterE}.\arabic{Exercise}} % change the prefix variable to "counterE"

\section{Supplemental materials} 
\section{Additional exercises}

\subsection{Additional exercises for \cref{first-section}}  
\setcounter{counterE}{1} % number of first section
\setcounter{Exercise}{2} % number of last exercise in first section   

\begin{Exercise} \label{ex_B_aa}
This exercise should be called ``Exercise 1.3.''
\begin{Exercise} \label{ex_B_ab}
This exercise should be called ``Exercise 1.4.''
\subsection{Additional exercises for \cref{second-section}}  

\setcounter{counterE}{2} % number of second section
\setcounter{Exercise}{2} % number of last exercise in second section
\begin{Exercise} \label{ex_B_ba}
This exercise should be called ``Exercise 2.3.''
\begin{Exercise} \label{ex_B_bb}
This exercise should be called ``Exercise 2.4.''
