


我已经将原始文档设置为一种字体,将注释设置为另一种字体。原始文档已经有脚注,需要将其与原始编号一起包含在内,例如\footnote[23]{Footnote text}。我还有其他脚注需要包含。我希望使脚注与其各自的字体相匹配。





\usepackage{array}                      %Needed to allow formatting of table columns
\usepackage{verbatim}                   %Allows for comment environments
\usepackage{mdframed}                   %For  background boxes, breaks across pages
\usepackage{longtable}                  %To split table across pages


\usepackage[colorlinks=true, citecolor=black, urlcolor=blue]{hyperref}

\newenvironment{orig} %                 %Text in original doc
    \setlength{\parskip}{1ex plus 0.5ex minus 0.2ex}
    } %

\newenvironment{comm} %                 %Commentary on doc
    \setlength{\parskip}{0pt plus 1pt minus 1pt}
    } %

\newcommand{\origi}[1]{\textsf{#1}}     %Brief original text
\newcommand{\comme}[1]{\textrm{#1}}     %Brief comment 

\newcommand{\footnoteorig}[1]{          %Attempted footnote adjustment
    \renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\origi{\arabic{footnote}}}  %Make the footnote number \sf
    \footnote{\textsf{#1}}                                  %And the footnote text
    \renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\comme{footnote}}           %This resets the footnote number to \rm

%\renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\roman{footnote}}      %Make footnotes separate from original ones
%\newcommand{\footnoteorig}[2]{\renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\roman{\footnote}}   \footnotemark[#1]   \footnotetext[#1]{#2}   \renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\arabic{\footnote}}}



\begin{document}    %This is without using any footnote package.
    Intro text here\footnote{FN0}   
    More text\footnote{FN1}
        Orig text with its own footnote numbers to retain\footnote[1]{Original footnote with fixed number, should be in same font as its environment, i.e. \textsf{sans-serif}}     
        \comme{A brief comment here with a footnote\footnote{FN3}}
                More original text in a frame\footnotemark
            Some more commentary\footnote{FN5}
        And more\footnoteorig{FN6 Original footnotes throughout doc, but the next one shows what happens with a given footnote number} \footnoteorig[7]{FN7}    
        Yet more\footnote{This footnote is not original and should stay in \textrm{commentary style}}   
    Final text\footnote{Final footnote, which may be more than the alphabetic or roman maxima}





\usepackage{array}                      %Needed to allow formatting of table columns
\usepackage{verbatim}                   %Allows for comment environments
\usepackage{mdframed}                   %For  background boxes, breaks across pages
\usepackage{longtable}                  %To split table across pages


\usepackage[colorlinks=true, citecolor=black, urlcolor=blue]{hyperref}

\newenvironment{orig} %                 %Text in original doc
    \setlength{\parskip}{1ex plus 0.5ex minus 0.2ex}
    } %

\newenvironment{comm} %                 %Commentary on doc
    \setlength{\parskip}{0pt plus 1pt minus 1pt}
    } %

\newcommand{\origi}[1]{\textsf{#1}}     %Brief original text
\newcommand{\comme}[1]{\textrm{#1}}     %Brief comment 

%\newcommand{\footnoteorig}[1]{         %Attempted footnote adjustment
%   \renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\origi{\arabic{footnote}}}  %Make the footnote number \sf
%   \footnote{\textsf{#1}}                                  %And the footnote text
%   \renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\comme{footnote}}           %This resets the footnote number to \rm
%   }



\fancyhead[RO,RE]{Footnotes 2}

%\renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\roman{footnote}}      %Make footnotes separate from original ones
%\newcommand{\footnoteorig}[2]{\renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\roman{\footnote}}   \footnotemark[#1]   \footnotetext[#1]{#2}   \renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\arabic{\footnote}}}

\begin{document}    %This attempts to use bigfoot / manyfoot package.
    Intro text here\footnote{FN0}   
    More text\footnote{FN1}
        Orig text with its own footnote numbers to retain\footnote[1]{Original footnote with fixed number, should be in same font as its environment, i.e. \textsf{sans-serif}}     
        \comme{A brief comment here with a footnote\footnote{FN3}}
                More original text in a frame\footnotemark
            Some more commentary\footnote{FN5}
        And more\footnoteorig{FN6 Original footnotes throughout doc, but the next one shows what happens with a given footnote number} \footnoteorig[7]{FN7}    
        Yet more\footnote{This footnote is not original and should stay in \textrm{commentary style}}   
    Final text\footnote{Final footnote, which may be more than the alphabetic or roman maxima}




编辑器:TeXstudio 用pdflatex;用编译xelatex有同样的效果。我已经包含了我正在使用的软件包。

有回复这里,虽然它需要使用 memoir 类,并且代码中有一个错误。但是,它以相同的字体生成脚注。

