在表格/图中引用参考文献( \cite{} )

在表格/图中引用参考文献( \cite{} )


\caption{Gram Negative Bacteria.}{\cite{Bacterial_Classification}}
\label{Tab:Gram Negative Bacteria}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{ p{5em} >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X p{5em} p{5em} >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X }
    \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Morphology} & \textbf{O\textsubscript{2} Require\-ments} & \textbf{Commensal} & \textbf{Reservoirs / Sites \-of colonization, Transmission} & \textbf{Types of Infections} \\ \midrule
    Entero\-bacteriaceae (E. coli, klebsiella, salmonella, shigella) & Rods & facultative anaerobe & Some species & GI tract, animals / Endogenous, fecal oral & Diarrhea, uninary tract, food poisoning, sepsis \\
    Bacteroides & Rods & anaerobic & Yes & GI tract / Endogenous & Abscesses \\
    Pseudomonas & Rods & aerobic & No & Water, soil / Endogenous, breach of skin barrier & Infections in immunocompromised hosts, Cystic Fibrosis \\
    Vibrio (cholera) & Rods, curved shap & micro\-aerophilic & No & Water / Contaminated food, water & Diarrhea \\
    Campylobac\-ter & Rods, curved shape & micro\-aerophilic & No & Food / Ingestion of contaminated food & Diarrhea, Bacteremia \\
    Legionella & Rods, poorly stained & micro\-aerophilic & No & Water Inhalation of aerosol & Pneumonia, febrile illness \\
    Neisseriam & Cocci, kidney-bean shaped & Micro\-aerophilic & No (\textit{N. meningitidis} sometimes) & Humans / Sexual, aerosol & Meningitis, pelvic inflammatory disease \\
    Hemophilus & Coccobacillary-pleomorphic & facultative anaerobe & Some species & Respiratory tract / Endogenous, aerosol & Respiratory, sinusitis, otitis, meningitis \\
    Bartonella & Small, pleomorphic rods & aerobic/micro\-aerophilic & No & Cats, fleas, lice / cat bites, lice or fleas? & Cat scratch disease, endocarditis, bacillary angiomatosis \\\bottomrule


\resizebox{1\textwidth}{!}{\includegraphics{Thesis/Images/Chapters/Chapter 1/A_bacterial_sample_to_a_protein_extraction_and_the_final_analysis_by_mass_spectrometry.jpg}}
\caption{A bacterial sample subjected to a protein extraction and the final analysis by mass spectrometry.}{\cite{Mass_Spectrometry}}
  \label{Fig:Mass Spectrometry}


如果我这样引用: \caption{A bacterial sample subjected to a protein extraction and the final analysis by mass spectrometry. \cite{Mass_Spectrometry}}我们最终会因为图片列表而遇到引用顺序问题。所以我们必须保留这种形式\caption{A bacterial sample subjected to a protein extraction and the final analysis by mass spectrometry.}{\cite{Mass_Spectrometry}}。这也是正确的做法:\caption[text without cite for the list of figures]{text with cite}

PS 我没有包含序言中使用的软件包,因为我认为它们对这个问题无关紧要。如果您需要它,只需对其进行评论,我就会进行编辑。



\caption[Gram Negative Bacteria.]{\cite{Bacterial_Classification}}


\caption{Gram Negative Bacteria.}{\cite{Bacterial_Classification}}
