Doublespace 环境行为异常,我不知道该怎么做

Doublespace 环境行为异常,我不知道该怎么做

我是一名高中老师,希望使用 TeX 复制常见考试的格式 - 为了让我自己更容易做到这一点,我尝试编写命令来模仿常见问题。我目前在双倍行距环境中遇到了一些问题 - 格式使用双倍行距来创建问题行。这是我实现此功能的一个工作示例:

\newcommand{\writeq}[3][0]{ %simple written question command
    \textbf{Question \arabic{qnumber}\hfill (#2 marks)}\\
        \foreach \n in {1,...,#1}{\rule{\linewidth}{0.5pt}\\}

\writeq[3]{4}{My question is this one.}



%Multi-part question commands
    \setcounter{partnumber}{0}  % Reset part number
    \noindent \textbf{Question \arabic{qnumber}\hfill (#1 marks)}\\ \\ 
    #2 \vspace{0.2cm}

\newcommand{\mpq}[3][0]{ %simple written question command
    \alph{partnumber}) \hangindent=1.27cm \hangafter=0 #3\\
    \rule{0pt}{1pt}\hfill(#2 marks)\vspace{0.5cm}
        \foreach \n in {1,...,#1}{\rule{\linewidth-1.27cm}{0.5pt}\\}

词干用于设置上下文,然后 mpq 命令是与该部分相关的实际问题。但是,使用这种组合,我得到的文本是双倍行距,但行距不是 - 我不知道为什么。请参见下面我尝试使用该命令以及我得到的结果:

\mpqstem{4}{This is the scary question, and thankfully this bit is showing up okay without any double-spacing. But that also makes sense, since this command doesn't touch the spacing.}

\mpq[2]{2}{This is part 1, and it's going to be very long to show what is happening with the spacing and make it clear that this is double-spaced.}

\mpq[2]{2}{This is part 2, and it's also going to be very long to show what is happening with the spacing and make it clear that this is double-spaced.}



您的代码片段无法编译,因为它缺少很多关键信息。不过,请务必牢记@UlrikeFischer 的建议,不要再使用\\而不是\par。例如,对于这三个命令,以下代码可能有助于实现您的最终格式化目标。

\newcounter{partnumber}[qnumber] tie 'partnumber' counter to 'qnumber' counter

\newcommand{\writeq}[3][0]{ %simple written question command
    \refstepcounter{qnumber} % use \refstepcounter, not \stepcounter
    \textbf{Question \arabic{qnumber}\hfill(#2 marks)}
        \foreach \n in {1,\dots,#1}{\rule{\linewidth}{0.5pt}}

    %%\setcounter{partnumber}{0}  % not needed
    \textbf{Question \arabic{qnumber}\hfill(#1 marks)}

\newcommand{\mpq}[3][0]{ %simple written question command
    \par\noindent \hangindent=1.27cm \hangafter=0
    \alph{partnumber}) #3
    \rule{0pt}{1pt}\hfill(#2 marks)
        \foreach \n in {1,\dots,#1}{\rule{\linewidth-1.27cm}{0.5pt}}
