





有什么办法可以让钻石升起来吗?自动地所以它与数学表达式的末尾对齐 (或几乎对齐)?像这样 (我用过\tag*{\diamond}):




%im using this font (in case it is important)

%using the package amsthm to define theorems lemmas, corolaries etc.

%this new commands let me end every statment of a theorem, remark or proposition with any symbol, in this case i'm using "$\diamond$"




\section*{So, my problem is the following.}

\begin{thrm} Every end of a theorem, proposition, remark etc, is marked with the symbol ``$\diamond$''.
As you can see, the diamond symbol is positioned immediately at the end of the sentence. I mean, it is just right here $\rightarrow\rightarrow\rightarrow\rightarrow\rightarrow$

\section*{My problem is when I use math mode}

\begin{prop} When I use math mode, the position of the $\diamond$ is too low
    $$\int_0^1 x \, dx = \frac{1}{2} \quad \text{i mean, it goes waaaay down: } \rightarrow\rightarrow\rightarrow\rightarrow\rightarrow\rightarrow\rightarrow \searrow $$

My question is: \textbf{is there some way to get the diamond up, automatically?} aligned (or almost aligned) with the end of the math expression, something like this:

\begin{prop1} Here is Euler's formula 
e^{ix} = \cos (x) + i \sin (x) \quad\quad \forall x \in \mathds{R} \tag*{$\diamond$}
And I can continue without any problem, instead of dealing with: 
\begin{prop} Here is Euler's formula 
e^{ix} = \cos (x) + i \sin (x) \quad\quad \forall x \in \mathds{R} 
\noindent Too much space between the math expression and the diamond symbol!



您需要\qedhere考虑 QED 符号必须出现在数学显示中或列表末尾的情况(enumerateitemize)。

然而,你一定不能使用$$:参见为什么 \[ ... \] 比 $$ ... $$ 更可取?。在这里,这不仅仅是“可取的”,而是至关重要的. 任何标准amsmath显示环境均可接受\qedhere







\section*{So, my problem is the following.}

Every end of a theorem, proposition, remark etc, is marked with the symbol ``$\diamond$''.

As you can see, the diamond symbol is positioned immediately at the end of the sentence. 
I mean, it is just right here $\rightarrow\rightarrow\rightarrow\rightarrow\rightarrow$

\section*{My problem is when I use math mode}

When I use math mode correctly, the position of the $\diamond$ is perfect
\int_0^1 x \, dx = \frac{1}{2} \qedhere



