MiKTeX 中的 `initexmf --mklinks --force` 错误:“安全风险”且无法执行

MiKTeX 中的 `initexmf --mklinks --force` 错误:“安全风险”且无法执行

我在系统上遇到了 MiKTeX 问题,正在寻求一些指导来解决它。我正在运行以下命令:

initexmf --mklinks --force

在提升的 cmd 命令提示符中(以管理员身份)。但是,我收到以下错误消息:

initexmf: security risk: running with elevated privileges

Sorry, but "MiKTeX Configuration Utility" did not succeed.

The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again:


日志文件 ( initexmf.log) 提供以下信息:

2024-01-19 19:09:14,165+0100 INFO  initexmf - this is MiKTeX Configuration Utility 5.4 (MiKTeX 23.10.12)
2024-01-19 19:09:14,165+0100 INFO  initexmf - this process (2312) started by cmd in directory C:\Windows\system32 with command line: initexmf --update-fndb
2024-01-19 19:09:14,165+0100 INFO  initexmf - Operating on the private (per-user) MiKTeX setup
2024-01-19 19:09:14,167+0100 INFO  initexmf - running: miktex --enable-installer fndb refresh
2024-01-19 19:09:14,167+0100 INFO  initexmf.core - start process: miktex --enable-installer fndb refresh
2024-01-19 19:09:17,581+0100 INFO  initexmf - this process (2312) finishes with exit code 0
2024-01-19 19:21:39,495+0100 INFO  initexmf - this is MiKTeX Configuration Utility 5.4 (MiKTeX 23.12)
2024-01-19 19:21:39,496+0100 INFO  initexmf - this process (4028) started by cmd in directory C:\Windows\system32 with command line: initexmf --mkmaps
2024-01-19 19:21:39,496+0100 INFO  initexmf - Operating on the private (per-user) MiKTeX setup
2024-01-19 19:21:39,498+0100 INFO  initexmf - running: miktex --enable-installer fontmaps configure
2024-01-19 19:21:39,498+0100 INFO  initexmf.core - start process: miktex --enable-installer fontmaps configure
2024-01-19 19:21:40,238+0100 INFO  initexmf - this process (4028) finishes with exit code 0
2024-01-19 19:21:56,878+0100 INFO  initexmf - this is MiKTeX Configuration Utility 5.4 (MiKTeX 23.12)
2024-01-19 19:21:56,878+0100 INFO  initexmf - this process (14904) started by cmd in directory C:\Windows\system32 with command line: initexmf --mklinks --force
2024-01-19 19:21:56,878+0100 INFO  initexmf - Operating on the private (per-user) MiKTeX setup
2024-01-19 19:21:56,880+0100 INFO  initexmf - running: miktex --enable-installer links install --force
2024-01-19 19:21:56,880+0100 INFO  initexmf.core - start process: miktex --enable-installer links install --force
2024-01-19 19:21:57,185+0100 ERROR initexmf - sub-process error output has been saved to 'C:\Users\FooBar\AppData\Local\MiKTeX\miktex\log\miktex_2024-01-19-192157.out'
2024-01-19 19:21:57,186+0100 FATAL initexmf - The executed process did not succeed.
2024-01-19 19:21:57,186+0100 FATAL initexmf - Info: fileName="C:\Program Files\MiKTeX\miktex\bin\x64\miktex.EXE", exitCode="1"
2024-01-19 19:21:57,186+0100 FATAL initexmf - Source: 
2024-01-19 19:21:57,186+0100 FATAL initexmf - Line: 0
2024-01-19 19:21:57,187+0100 INFO  initexmf - this process (14904) finishes with exit code 1

值得注意的是,在此过程中,提到将子流程错误输出保存在 中C:\Users\FooBar\AppData\Local\MiKTeX\miktex\log\miktex_2024-01-19-192157.out。但是,此文件是二进制文件,我无法读取其内容以了解出了什么问题。

我已经尝试通过运行重建文件名数据库和格式initexmf --update-fndb,但initexmf --mkmaps无济于事。如果您能提供关于此错误发生原因以及如何修复此错误的任何见解,我将不胜感激。
