尽管进行了测量计算,但仍出现“非法测量单位(插入 pt)”?

尽管进行了测量计算,但仍出现“非法测量单位(插入 pt)”?

按照以下提示操作后这个答案@JasperHabricht,我正在尝试改进以下宏,但我得到的只是Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted),尽管进行了测量计算,而且在用于\pgfmathsetmacro其他宏之前,一切都运行良好。是的,我确实尝试用 s 替换\newlengths 和\setlengths \pgfmathsetmacro

% Parameters
% 1: dimension (in cm)
% 2: board size (square)
% 3: step
% Example: A 19x19 board with size 10cm x 10cm: `\coordinates{10}{19}{\step}'
  % For some reason, TeX doesn't like dividin by non-integers?
  \setlength{\leftRightShift}{\dimexpr #3 * 10 / 14 \relax}
  \setlength{\topBottomShift}{\dimexpr #3 * 10 / 15 \relax}

  \foreach [count=\i] \l in {A, B, ..., Z} {
    \ifthenelse{\equal{\l}{I} \OR \i > \numexpr #2 + 1 \relax}{}{
      \setlength{\coordinateShift}{\dimexpr #3 * (\thecoordinateCounter - 1) \relax}

      % Top
        xshift = \coordinateShift,
        yshift = #1cm + \topBottomShift,
      ] node {\l};
      % Right
        xshift = #1cm + \leftRightShift,
        yshift = \coordinateShift,
      ] node {\thecoordinateCounter};
      % Bottom
        xshift = \coordinateShift,
        yshift = -(\leftRightShift),
      ] node {\l};
      % Left
        xshift = -(\leftRightShift),
        yshift = \coordinateShift,
      ] node {\thecoordinateCounter};





% Parameters
% 1: dimension (in cm)
% 2: board size (square)
% Example: A 19x19 board with size 10cm x 10cm: `\gogrid{10}{19}'
  \pgfmathsetmacro{\step}{#1 / (#2 - 1)} % chktex 1

  \draw[step=\step] (0, 0) grid (#1, #1);
  \coordinates{#1}{#2}{\step} % chktex 1

% Parameters
% 1: dimension (in cm)
% 2: board size (square)
% 3: step
% Example: A 19x19 board with size 10cm x 10cm: `\drawHoshis{10}{19}{\step}'
    \foreach \sloc in {{3, 3}, {3, 7}, {7, 3}, {7, 7}, {5, 5}}{
      \pgfmathsetmacro{\hoshiCoordX}{#3 * ({\sloc}[0] - 1)}
      \pgfmathsetmacro{\hoshiCoordY}{#3 * ({\sloc}[1] - 1)}

      \filldraw (\hoshiCoordX, \hoshiCoordY)
        circle [radius=#3 / 10];

% Parameters
% 1: dimension (in cm)
% Example: \boardOutline{10}
  \pgfmathsetmacro{\boardOutlineLineWidth}{#1 * 5 / 1000}
  % Just so the board outline isn't jagged
  \pgfmathsetmacro{\boardOutlinePadding}{\boardOutlineLineWidth / 2}

  % Top
  \draw[black, line width = \boardOutlineLineWidth]
    (-\boardOutlinePadding, #1) -- (#1 + \boardOutlinePadding, #1); % chktex 1 chktex 8
  % Right
  \draw[black, line width = \boardOutlineLineWidth] 
    (#1, 0) -- (#1, #1); % chktex 8
  % Bottom
  \draw[black, line width = \boardOutlineLineWidth]
    (-\boardOutlinePadding, 0) -- (#1 + \boardOutlinePadding, 0); % chktex 1 chktex 8
  % Left
  \draw[black, line width = \boardOutlineLineWidth]
    (0, 0) -- (0, #1); % chktex 8

% Parameters
% 1: dimension (in cm)
% 2: board size (square)
% 3: step
% Example: A 19x19 board with size 10cm x 10cm: `\coordinates{10}{19}{\step}'
  % For some reason, TeX doesn't like dividin by non-integers?
  \setlength{\leftRightShift}{\dimexpr #3 * 10 / 14 \relax}
  \setlength{\topBottomShift}{\dimexpr #3 * 10 / 15 \relax}

  \foreach [count=\i] \l in {A, B, ..., Z} {
    \ifthenelse{\equal{\l}{I} \OR \i > \numexpr #2 + 1 \relax}{}{
      \setlength{\coordinateShift}{\dimexpr #3 * (\thecoordinateCounter - 1) \relax}

      % Top
        xshift = \coordinateShift,
        yshift = #1cm + \topBottomShift,
      ] node {\l};
      % Right
        xshift = #1cm + \leftRightShift,
        yshift = \coordinateShift,
      ] node {\thecoordinateCounter};
      % Bottom
        xshift = \coordinateShift,
        yshift = -(\leftRightShift),
      ] node {\l};
      % Left
        xshift = -(\leftRightShift),
        yshift = \coordinateShift,
      ] node {\thecoordinateCounter};


      \caption{Goban 1}\label{my_goban_1}


你可以从示例中删掉 100 行左右。错误消息突出显示了错误的位置

! Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted).
<to be read again> 


\setlength{\leftRightShift}{\dimexpr #3 * 10 / 14 \relax}





\pgfmathsetmacro{\leftRightShift}{#3 * 10 / 14}


\setlength{\leftRightShift}{\dimexpr #3cm * 10 / 15 \relax}
