我想删除第一个 \resumeitem 和第二个 \resumeSubheadingas 之间的空白,用黑色箭头突出显示

我想删除第一个 \resumeitem 和第二个 \resumeSubheadingas 之间的空白,用黑色箭头突出显示


  {Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS)}{}
  {Undergraduate Teaching Assistant $\mid$ \textnormal{Probability}}{\textnormal{Sept. 2022 -- Dec. 2022}}
    \resumeItem{Crafted comprehensive problem sets, graded quizzes, facilitated engaging tutorial sessions, and held biweekly office hours to address student queries and enhance understanding.}
  {}{}{Undergraduate Teaching Assistant $\mid$ \textnormal{Calculus}}{\textnormal{Jan. 2023 -- May 2023}}
    \resumeItem{Created reference solutions to all course content in addition to teaching recitations and holding office hours weekly.}






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\titleformat{\section}{\scshape\raggedright\large}{}{0em}{}[\color{black}\titlerule \vspace{-5pt}]


        \textbf{#1} & #2 \\
        \textit{\small#3} & \textit{\small #4}\\        


\newcommand{\resumeItemListEnd}{\end{itemize}\vspace{-3ex}} % added vspace here <<<<<<<<<<<<<<


    {Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS)}{}
    {Undergraduate Teaching Assistant $\mid$ \textnormal{Probability}}{\textnormal{Sept. 2022 -- Dec. 2022}}
            \resumeItem{Crafted comprehensive problem sets, graded quizzes, facilitated engaging tutorial sessions, and held biweekly office hours to address student queries and enhance understanding.}
    {}{}{Undergraduate Teaching Assistant $\mid$ \textnormal{Calculus}}{\textnormal{Jan. 2023 -- May 2023}}
            \resumeItem{Created reference solutions to all course content in addition to teaching recitations and holding office hours weekly.}

