(这是从 Word 文档中“复制”设计。)
如果相关的话,我会在 Windows 上使用 LuaLatex 和 TeXworks。
% that's where the full title and specific data comes from.
% that's me trying to center the picture with various packages, without any positive result
\def\dokTitle{A1.2.\AfsnitNr{} }
\title{Your Title Here}
\author{Your Name}
\includegraphics[width=18cm, keepaspectratio]{pic/titleback.jpg}
\makebox{\huge \setmainfont{QTHelvet-Black}\bfseries\ProjektNavn}
\makebox{\large \setmainfont{Cambria}\dokTitle}
\makebox{\Large \setmainfont{Calibri}\AfsnitNavn}
因此,根据使用 Tikz 的建议,我在这里取得了一些成果。
最重要的问题是我的水平标题(En by i Sverige)和表格仍然位于背景图片的中间,而我希望表格位于地址和底部徽标的正上方。
\ProvidesClass{paneltrade}[2024/01/01 LaTeX class created to write PanelTrade technical documents]
% That's where are the names, title of the project, etc...
% Define light and dark Microsoft blue colours
% Define a new fontfamily for the subsubsection font
% Don't use \fontspec directly to change the font
\newfontfamily\subsubsectionfont[Color=MSLightBlue]{Times New Roman}
% Set formats for each heading level
{\MakeUppercase{\romannumeral #1}}
%% rectangle geometry
% offset as offset from border of picture and between rects
% width of rects
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
%% mega large picture in background
\node[outer sep=0pt,anchor=north](backpic) at ([yshift=-1cm]current page.north) {\includegraphics[keepaspectratio]{pic/titleback.jpg}};
\coordinate (topA) at ([xshift=\offsetrect, yshift= - \offsetrect ] backpic.north west); % Offset from top
\coordinate (bottomA) at ([xshift=\offsetrect + \largrect, yshift=\offsetrect ] backpic.south west); % Offset from bottom
\coordinate(topB) at ([xshift=\offsetrect + \largrect] topA);
\coordinate(bottomB) at ([xshift=\offsetrect + \largrect] bottomA);
\coordinate(topC) at ([xshift=\offsetrect + \largrect] topB);
\coordinate(bottomC) at ([xshift=\offsetrect + \largrect] bottomB);
\filldraw[fill= white, very thick,draw=white,opacity=0.5] (topA) rectangle (bottomA);
\node[anchor=east] at ([yshift=-8mm,xshift=0.5*\largrect]topA) [rotate=90] {\huge \setmainfont{QTHelvet-Black}\bfseries\ProjektNavn};
\filldraw[fill= white, very thick,draw=white,opacity=0.5] (topB) rectangle (bottomB);
\node[anchor=east] at ([yshift=-8mm,xshift=0.5*\largrect]topB) [rotate=90] {\Large \setmainfont{Cambria}\bfseries\dokTitle};
\filldraw[fill= white, very thick,draw=white,opacity=0.5] (topC) rectangle (bottomC);
\node[anchor=east] at ([yshift=-8mm,xshift=0.5*\largrect]topC) [rotate=90] {\Large\bfseries\sffamily\color{MSBlue}\AfsnitNavn};
{\huge \setmainfont{QTHelvet-Black}\bfseries\ProjektNavn}
Projekt Nr: & \ProjektNr & Konstruktionsafsnit: & \AfsnitNr \\
Udarbejdet af : &\ingenior & {} & {} \\
Godkendt af : & \kontrolant & {} & {} \\
%%% pay attention to margins if you modify the (2cm, 2cm) -> I took the same side margins as the general doc class.
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node [outer sep=0pt,anchor=south west, align=left] at ($(current page.south west)+(2cm,2cm)$) {\parbox{\textwidth}{
\textbf{Tlf.: +45 8620 2020\\
E-mail: [email protected]\\
Hjemmeside: https://www.paneltrade.dk}
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node[outer sep=0pt,anchor=south east] at ($(current page.south east)+(-2cm,2cm)$) {\includegraphics[keepaspectratio]{pic/footpic.jpg}};
\fancyhead[R]{\small\color{MSLightBlue}Side \thepage}
%%% footer
% void in center, otherwise the page number appears