如何使用 KOMA-Script 为每个页面设置相同的模板

如何使用 KOMA-Script 为每个页面设置相同的模板


我想以这种方式设置 a5 文档 -每一页除了页码发生变化外,其他都类似。我只想像往常一样在页面中间添加注释。

我一直在尝试,但我通常使用考试课和 a4 页,所以我很困惑。


% twoside, openright




notes here




KOMA-Script 提供了包scrlayerscrlayer-scrpage来更改页眉和页脚。有几种可能的方法可以获得您想要的结果。在我看来,一个简单的例子是使用\ihead或定义整个页眉(包括双分隔线\ihead*)(有关区别,请参阅 KOMA-Script 手册):

    Topic x: xxx x xxxxxx xx\\
    xxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxx\\
    xxxxxx xxxx x xx xxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxx\\
    01.10 xxxx 1/2\\


如果您想要(自动)运行标题(类似于页面样式headings),则需要\headmark在该标题定义中的某处使用。有关更多信息,请参阅 KOMA-Script 手册。


  @copyright stuff hre\dots



  % pagesize,11pt,% both are default and therefore not needed
  bibliography=totoc,% bibtotoc is deprecated and therefore replaced according
                     % to the warning message
  numbers=noenddot,% pointlessnumbers is deprecated and therefore replaced
                   % according to the warning message
  headings=normal,% normalheadings is deprecated and therefore replaced
                  % according to the warning message
  headheight=87pt,% see the KOMA-Script manual and the warning message without
                  % this line
  footheight=24pt,% see the KOMA-Script manual and the warning message without
                  % this line




\KOMAoptions{DIV=last}% moved according to the KOMA-Script manual, because it
                      % makes no sense before changing font an linespread.


\usepackage[manualmark]{scrlayer-scrpage}% or maybe automark, this
                                % is not clear due to missing information in
                                % the question.
    Topic x: xxx x xxxxxx xx\\
    xxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxx\\
    xxxxxx xxxx x xx xxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxx\\
    01.10 xxxx 1/2\\
  @copyright stuff hre\dots
\renewcommand{\familydefault}{trjn}% If you want to the font as document default.







  % pagesize,11pt,% both are default and therefore not needed
  bibliography=totoc,% bibtotoc is deprecated and therefore replaced according
                     % to the warning message
  numbers=noenddot,% pointlessnumbers is deprecated and therefore replaced
                   % according to the warning message
  headings=normal,% normalheadings is deprecated and therefore replaced
                  % according to the warning message
  headsepline,footsepline,footinclude=false,% see the KOMA-Script manual
%  headheight=87pt,% not used, to not lower the header, but this results in a warning
%  footheight=24pt,% no longer needed, because the lines are not part of the footer




\KOMAoptions{DIV=last}% moved according to the KOMA-Script manual, because it
                      % makes no sense before changing font an linespread.


  autoenlargeheadfoot=false,% only warn but don't change height reserved for header or footer  
  manualmark,% or maybe automark, this is not clear due to missing information
             % in the question.
  plainheadsepline,plainfootsepline,% See the KOMA-Script manual for more information
    Topic x: xxx x xxxxxx xx\\
    xxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxx\\
    xxxxxx xxxx x xx xxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxx\\
    01.10 xxxx 1/2\\
  @copyright stuff hre\dots

% Defining new layers for the second separation line.
% We simply clone the existing lines and raise or lower them:

% Define a new layer for the page number:
\DeclareLayer[foreground,foot,addvoffset=2cm,contents={\centering \pagemark\par}]{pagenumber}

% Add the new layers to the existing page styles:

\renewcommand{\familydefault}{trjn}% If you want to the font as document default.





甚至页眉中的图像和文本也可以使用单独的图层放置。有关定义新图层并将其添加到现有页面样式或定义新页面样式的更多信息,请参阅 KOMA-Script 手册。
