

我为 Overleaf 创建了下表。但是,我想使用\tiny或,\scriptsize因为此表跨越多页。我还必须保持配色方案。我尝试过无数次,并向 ChatGPT 寻求帮助,但都没有奏效。有没有什么方法可以既不失去表格外观,又能缩小尺寸。


% Apply the caption and label outside of the tiny environment
\caption{Automation Challenges and Solution framework for containerized applications in multi-cloud environment}\label{tab:Automation-solutions} \\
\textbf{ID} & 
\textbf{Challenge} & 
\textbf{Challenge Description} & 
\textbf{Solution} & 
\textbf{Solution Description} \\ 

% The content above will serve as the header for the first page.
% Content below will serve as the header for the continuation pages.
{{\bfseries \tablename\ \thetable{} -- continued from previous page}} \\
\textbf{ID} & 
\textbf{Challenge} & 
\textbf{Challenge Description} & 
\textbf{Solution} & 
\textbf{Solution Description} \\ 

% Footer for all pages except the last, if you want one.
\multicolumn{5}{|r|}{{Continued on next page}} \\

% Footer for the last page, if you want one.

% Now insert your table rows here, with the tiny size applied
\tiny % Apply the font size to the content starting from here
\rowcolor{gray!25} \multicolumn{5}{|c|}{\textbf{Category 1: Multi-Cloud Automation}} \\
% ... more rows of content ...

% End the tiny environment before the table ends
\normalsize % Switch back to normal size text if needed after the table


