

我正在尝试创建一个自定义引文命令,如果定义了 URL 字段,则在超链接时显示为作者(年份,页数)。但是,我遇到了一个问题,即引文内的任何条件逻辑都将打印在引文之后,即页码将始终放在年份括号之后,尽管在其中调用了页码。


\usepackage[backref=true, backend=biber, style=authoryear, giveninits=true, uniquename=false]{biblatex}
\usepackage{xstring} % For string comparison/checks

% prints page numbers
    {} % Return blank if input is empty
    {\StrCount{#1}{-}[\rangecount]% Count dashes to infer if it's a range
     \ifthenelse{\rangecount > 0}
       {pp.~#1} % Multiple pages
       {p.~#1}% Single page

% cite command

  author    = {Author, A.},
  title     = {An Example Article},
  journal   = {Journal of Examples},
  year      = {2021},
  url       = {https://example.com/article},

  author    = {Buthor, B.},
  title     = {An Example Article},
  journal   = {Journal of Examples},
  year      = {2021},

See \citeurlya[123]{example2021} for a specific detail and \citeurlya[124--125]{example2021} for an extended discussion. \citeurlya[3, 6]{example2022} is also good.

\end{document} ```

the output is: See Author (2021), p. 123 for a specific detail and Author (2021), pp. 124–
125 for an extended discussion. Buthor (2021), pp. 3, 6 is also good


设法解决了。我需要在 postnote 宏后关闭括号。这些命令将打印 (作者、年份、页数) 和作者 (年份、页数)。如果提供,将作者超链接到文章,并将年份超链接到参考书目条目:

% Helper command to decide between "p." and "pp."
    {} % Return blank if input is empty
    {\StrCount{#1}{-}[\rangecount]% Count dashes to infer if it's a range
     \ifthenelse{\rangecount > 0}
       {, pp.~#1} % Multiple pages
       {, p.~#1}% Single page

% Command for (authors year) format
      {\printnames{labelname}} % Just print the names if no URL is available
      {\href{\thefield{url}}{\printnames{labelname}}} % Make the names a hyperlink
    \usebibmacro{print:pages}{#1}% Print pages if provided

% Command for Author (year) format
      {\printnames{labelname}} % Just print the names if no URL is available
      {\href{\thefield{url}}{\printnames{labelname}}} % Make the names a hyperlink
