带有 natbib 的 bib 文件,下面是最小工作示例以及achemso-control
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The researcher found a literature procedure.\cite{Betzler2013}
我正在使用的 achemso-control 位于我的主要 bibliography.bib 文件中,但在这里重现以查看:
ctrl-article-title = "yes",
ctrl-doi = "yes",
ctrl-etal-number = 0,
第一个问题是即使使用控件,文章标题也不会出现。DOI 确实出现了,但字体不对。我使用的任何软件包都无法解决标题不显示的问题。
导致问题的软件包。这是一篇化学论文;但是,我确实希望主字体是 Times 字体。这是文档中唯一的字体声明,所以我不确定为什么 txfonts 会针对参考文献的不同方面显示不同的 Times 字体。
abstract = {<p> The synthesis of the nitrogen‐rich glycidyl‐5‐(carboxyethyl‐1 <italic>H</italic> ‐tetrazole)polymer ( <bold>4</bold> ) by the reaction of glycidyl azide polymer (GAP) and ethyl cyanoformate ( <bold>2</bold> ) is described. Moreover, the polymer precursor 1,2‐bis(5‐carboxyethyl‐1 <italic>H</italic> ‐tetrazolyl)ethane ( <bold>3</bold> ), containing two tetrazole moieties, was obtained by reacting compound <bold>2</bold> and 1,2‐diazidoethane ( <bold>1</bold> ). The substances were characterized by using vibrational spectroscopy (IR), mass spectrometry, as well as multinuclear NMR spectroscopy. Compound <bold>3</bold> was additionally characterized by single‐crystal X‐ray diffraction measurements. The thermal stability of <bold>3</bold> was determined by differential scanning calorimetry, which reveals that this compound is a highly stable molecule. </p>},
author = {Franziska M. Betzler and Thomas M. Klapötke and Stefan M. Sproll},
doi = {10.1002/ejoc.201201201},
issn = {1434-193X},
issue = {3},
journal = {European Journal of Organic Chemistry},
month = {1},
pages = {509-514},
title = {Synthesis of Glycidyl‐5‐(carboxyethyl‐1 H‐tetrazole)polymer and 1,2‐Bis(5‐carboxyethyl‐1 H ‐tetrazolyl)ethane as Polymeric Precursor},
volume = {2013},
year = {2013},
This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2023)
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The style file: achemso.bst
Reallocated singl_function (elt_size=4) to 100 items from 50.
Database file #1: bibliography.bib
achemso 2024-01-30 v3.13g
You've used 2 entries,
2538 wiz_defined-function locations,
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也许您更愿意将 DOI 设置为无衬线字体,而不是等宽字体
0123 \texttt{0123} \textsf{0123}
实际上提供了几种不同宽度的 tt 0 样式,有斜线或无斜线,因此选择无斜线样式
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