




\caption{Table Caption}
\textbf{Aspect} & \textbf{Wave 4} & \textbf{Wave 5} & \textbf{Wave 6} & \textbf{Wave 7} \\ 
Period & 1980-1990 & 1991-2001 & 2002-2008 & 2009-2020 \\ 
Scale (average as \% US GDP) & \multicolumn{1}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}p{3cm}|}{7\%} & \multicolumn{1}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}p{3cm}|}{12\%} & \multicolumn{1}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}p{3cm}|}{10\%} & \multicolumn{1}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}p{3cm}@{}}{10\%} \\ 
Geographical Scope & US, UK, Europe & US, UK, Europe, Asia & US, UK, Europe, Asia & US, UK, Europe, Asia \\ 
Industries & Manufacturing, Energy, Consumer Products & Manufacturing, Hitech, Media, Consumer Products \& Services & Manufacturing, Hitech, Consumer Products \& Services, Healthcare & Manufacturing, Hitech, Consumer Products \& Services, Healthcare \\ 
Industry Relatedness & 60\% & 70\% & 75\% & 75\% \\ 
US cross-border activity & 15\% & 25\% & 30\% & 30\% \\ 
M\&A outcome & Elimination of inefficiencies & Global Expansion and technology absorption & Monopolization, global expansion and technology absorption & Monopolization, global expansion and technology absorption \\ 
Other Events coinciding with beginning and end & Anti-trust policy change, stock market boom and crash & Stock market boom and crash (dot.com bubble) & Economic expansion, stock market boom and crash & QE, stock market boom and crash \\ 



我将提供一个乍看起来似乎违反直觉的建议:与其通过修改某些列属性来满足 OP 的要求,我建议将所有 7 个实例替换为\hline\addlinespace基本上是垂直空格)。通过删除内部水平线并插入空格,人们也无需摆弄百分比数字的垂直定位。



\usepackage[letterpaper,margin=1in]{geometry} % set page parameters suitably
\usepackage{booktabs}  % for well-spaced horizontal rules
\usepackage{tabularx}  % for 'tabularx' env. and 'X' column type
\usepackage{ragged2e}  % for 'RaggedRight'  and '\Centering' macros
\hyphenation{europe related-ness}   % list of hyphenation exceptions

\caption{Table Caption}

\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} >{\RaggedRight}p{2.5cm} *{4}{>{\Centering}X} @{}}
Aspect & Wave 4 & Wave 5 & Wave 6 & Wave 7 \\
Period & 1980--1990 & 1991--2001 & 2002--2008 & 2009--2020 \\
Scale (average as \% US GDP) & 7\% & 12\% & 10\% & 10\% \\
Geographical scope &
US, UK, Europe &
US, UK, Europe, Asia &
US, UK, Europe, Asia &
US, UK, Europe, Asia \\
Industries &
Manufacturing, Energy, Consumer Products &
Manufacturing, Hitech, Media, Consumer Products \& Services &
Manufacturing, Hitech, Consumer Products \& Services, Healthcare &
Manufacturing, Hitech, Consumer Products \& Services, Healthcare \\
Industry relatedness & 60\% & 70\% & 75\% & 75\% \\
US cross-border activity & 15\% & 25\% & 30\% & 30\% \\
M\&A outcome &
Elimination of inefficiencies &
Global Expansion and technology absorption &
Monopolization, global expansion and technology absorption &
Monopolization, global expansion and technology absorption \\
Other events coinciding with beginning and end & 
Anti-trust policy change, stock market boom and crash & 
Stock market boom and crash (dot.com bubble) & 
Economic expansion, stock market boom and crash & 
QE, stock market boom and crash \\

