

我正在使用官方模板在 Overleaf 上为 MLHC 会议撰写论文。因此,在模板中,当我尝试取消注释给定的图像样本时,它会显示前面提到的错误。即使我将其更改为我的图像,它也会显示相同的错误,并在其下方的每个空白行中显示失控参数 }。如果我注释掉 includegraphics,错误就会消失。我也没有在整个文档中发现任何失控参数。文档类来自 jmlr.cls 文件。

\documentclass[pmlr]{jmlr}% new name PMLR (Proceedings of Machine Learning)

 % The following packages will be automatically loaded:
 % amsmath, amssymb, natbib, graphicx, url, algorithm2e
 %\usepackage{rotating}% for sideways figures and tables
\usepackage{longtable}% for long tables
 % The booktabs package is used by this sample document
 % (it provides \toprule, \midrule and \bottomrule).
 % book quality tables

 % The siunitx package is used by this sample document
 % to align numbers in a column by their decimal point.
 % Remove the next line if you don't require it.
 %\usepackage[load-configurations=version-1]{siunitx} % newer version

\def\set@curr@file#1{\def\@curr@file{#1}} %temp workaround for 2019 latex release

 % The following command is just for this sample document:

 % Define an unnumbered theorem just for this sample document:

 % change the arguments, as appropriate, in the following:
\jmlrvolume{[VOLUME \# TBD]}
\jmlrworkshop{Machine Learning for Healthcare}
 %other sections and subsections
      % \includegraphics[width=2.5in]{images/plot.png} 
      \caption{Description with the main takeaway point. Note that figure captions should appear below the figure.}

这是日志中的第一个错误。第 221 行有一个空白行。因此,如果我删除它,它将在下一个空白行中显示错误。

images/plot.png \edef \Gin@ext {\Gin@sepdefault \filename@ext }\ifx \Gin@ext \ETC.
! Paragraph ended before \@tempa was complete.
<to be read again> 
I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this
control sequence to too much text. How can we recover?
My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best.





修复了这个问题。最好不要重新定义核心 latex 命令,尤其是使用,\def这样你就不会收到警告。

\documentclass[pmlr]{jmlr}% new name PMLR (Proceedings of Machine Learning)

 % The following packages will be automatically loaded:
 % amsmath, amssymb, natbib, graphicx, url, algorithm2e
 %\usepackage{rotating}% for sideways figures and tables
\usepackage{longtable}% for long tables
 % The booktabs package is used by this sample document
 % (it provides \toprule, \midrule and \bottomrule).
 % book quality tables

 % The siunitx package is used by this sample document
 % to align numbers in a column by their decimal point.
 % Remove the next line if you don't require it.
 %\usepackage[load-configurations=version-1]{siunitx} % newer version

%NO!!!!!!!!!!!!\def\set@curr@file#1{\def\@curr@file{#1}} %temp workaround for 2019 latex release

 % The following command is just for this sample document:

 % Define an unnumbered theorem just for this sample document:

 % change the arguments, as appropriate, in the following:
\jmlrvolume{[VOLUME \# TBD]}
\jmlrworkshop{Machine Learning for Healthcare}
 %other sections and subsections
      \caption{Description with the main takeaway point. Note that figure captions should appear below the figure.}
