将 Overleaf 的 .bib 文件转换为 TexStudio 的 .bib 文件

将 Overleaf 的 .bib 文件转换为 TexStudio 的 .bib 文件

在我的 Overleaf 文档中,我使用 Overleaf 支持的语法创建了一个 .bib 文件(在 Overleaf 上我总是使用\usepackage[backend=biber, style=alphabetic, sorting=ynt]{biblatex}),但是当我将 .bib 文件复制到 TexStudio 中时,此编辑器无法成功读取该 .bib 文件。我找到了原因:Overleaf 语法​​与 TexStudio 语法略有不同。

是否可以将 Overleaf 的 .bib 文件转换为 TexStudio 的 .bib 文件?或者,还有其他方法可以解决我的问题吗?


第一次编辑:我使用pdfLatex distribution并设置了Biber您评论中提到的内容。我的问题是:citation undefined,为什么?

如果它对你有用,我的.bib 文件的代码(名为Frobenius.bib

  author = {Graziano Gentili and Fabio Podestà and Edoardo Vesentini},
  year = {1995},
  title = {Lezioni di Geometria Differenziale},
  publisher = {Bollati Boringhieri},
  address = {Torino},
  edition = {1},
  pages = {3-6,11,13,22,29,31-33,42-45},
  keyword = {Geometria Differenziale}

  author = {John Marshall Lee},
  year = {2018},
  title = {Introduction to Smooth Manifolds},
  publisher = {Graduate Texts in Mathematics 218, Springer Verlag},
  address = {New York},
  edition = {2},
  pages = {490-514},
  keyword = {Geometria Differenziale}

  author = {Wikipedia},
  year = {15 Maggio 2023},
  title = {Frobenius theorem (differential topology)},
  publisher = {Internet},
  keyword = {Geometria Differenziale}

  author = {Wikipedia},
  year = {23 Agosto 2022},
  title = {Théorème de Frobenius (géométrie différentielle)},
  publisher = {Internet},
  keyword = {Geometria Differenziale}


  author = {Wikipedia},
  year = {2 Settembre 2023},
  title = {Sheaf (mathematics)},
  publisher = {Internet},
  keyword = {Geometria Differenziale}

  author = {Ralph Abraham and Jerrold Eldon Marsden},
  year = {2008},
  title = {Foundations of Mechanics},
  publisher = {Addison-- Wesley Publishing Company, lnc.},
  address = {California},
  edition = {2},
  pages = {93-95},
  keyword = {Meccanica}

  author = {Annalisa Malusa},
  year = {Agosto 2022},
  title = {Introduzione alle Equazioni Differenziali Oridinarie},
  publisher = {Indipendently published},
  address = {Torrazza Piemonte (TO)},
  edition = {2},
  pages = {47-67},
  keyword = {Analisi}

  author = {George Ferdinand Frobenius},
  journal = {Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik},
  pages = {230-315},
  title = {Ueber das Pfaffsche Problem.},
  url = {http://eudml.org/doc/148315},
  volume = {82},
  year = {1877},
  kewword = {Geometria Differenziale}

  author = {Chong--Kyu Han},
  year = {Maggio 2023},
  title = {Generalization of the Frobenius Theorem on involutivity},
  url = {http://www.math.snu.ac.kr/~ckhan/paperpdf/generalfrobenius.pdf},
  publisher = {Internet},
  keyword = {Geometria Differenziale}

  author = {Joel William Robbin and Dietmar Arno Salamon},
  %year = {Maggio 2023},
  title = {Introduction to Differential Geometry},
  year = {11 Ottobre 2022},
  publisher = {Internet},
  url = {https://people.math.ethz.ch/~salamon/PREPRINTS/diffgeo.pdf},
  %publisher = {Internet},
  keyword = {Geometria Differenziale}

  author = {Rudolf Friedrich Alfred Clebsch},
  title  = {{Ueber die simultane Integration linearer partieller Differentialgleichungen.}},
  month = Gennaio,
  year  = {1 Gennaio 1866},
  publisher = {Zenodo},
  %pages = {230-315},
  doi = {10.1515/crll.1866.65.257},
  url = {https://doi.org/10.1515/crll.1866.65.257},
  kewword = {Geometria Differenziale}

  author = {Heinrich Wilhelm Feodor Deahna},
  title  = {{Ueber die Bedingungen der Integrabilität lineärer Differentialgleichungen erster Ordnung zwischen einer beliebigen Anzahl veränderlicher Größen.}},
  year  = {1 Gennaio 1840},
  publisher = {Zenodo},
  %pages = {230-315},
  doi = {10.1515/crll.1840.20.340},
  url = {https://doi.org/10.1515/crll.1840.20.340}

  author = {Hassler Whitney},
  title = {Differentiable manifolds},
  month = Febbraio,
  year  = {10 Febbraio 1936},
  publisher = {JSTOR},
  pages = {230-315},
  doi = {10.1515/crll.1866.65.257},
  url = {https://people.math.osu.edu/davis.12/courses/6701/whitney36.pdf},
  kewword = {Geometria Differenziale}

  author = {Howard Osborn},
  title = {Vector Bundles, Vol. 1, Foundations and Stielel--Whitney Classes},
  publisher = {Academic Press},
  year = 1982,
  pages = {28, 29, 50-52, 260, 291 294},
  url = {https://www.maths.ed.ac.uk/~v1ranick/papers/osborn.pdf},
  keyword = {Geometria Differenziale}

  author = {John Wellard Milnor},
  title = {On Manifolds Homeomorphic to the 7--Sphere},
  month = Giugno,
  year  = {14 Giugno 1956},
  publisher = {JSTOR},
  %pages = {230-315},
  %doi = {10.1515/crll.1866.65.257},
  url = {https://people.math.osu.edu/burghelea.1/MaterialDiffTopology/Milnorsphere.pdf},
  kewword = {Geometria Differenziale}

  author = {Michel André Kervaire},
  title = {A Manifold which does not not admit any Differentiable Structure.},
  month = Dicembre,
  year  = {12 Dicembre 2011},
  publisher = {JSTOR},
  %pages = {230-315},
  %doi = {10.1515/crll.1866.65.257},
  url = {https://people.math.rochester.edu/faculty/doug/otherpapers/kervaire.pdf},
  kewword = {Geometria Differenziale}

  author = {Nicolas Hadjisavvas and Jean--Paul Penot},
  title = {Revisiting the problem of integrability in utility theory},
  pages = {1-15},
  month = Settembre,
  year  = {01 Settembre 2015},
  volume = {64},
  journal = {Optimization},
  doi = {10.1080/02331934.2015.1080701},
  kewword = {Economia}

  ISSN = {00130427, 14680335},
  URL = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2549499},
  author = {Paul Anthony Samuelson},
  journal = {Economica},
  number = {68},
  pages = {355--385},
  publisher = {[London School of Economics, Wiley, London School of Economics and Political Science, Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines]},
  title = {The Problem of Integrability in Utility Theory},
  urldate = {2024-02-26},
  volume = {17},
  year = {1950},
  kewword = {Economia}

 ISSN = {00130427, 14680335},
 URL = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2549561},
 author = {Paul Anthony Samuelson},
 journal = {Economica},
 number = {60},
 pages = {243--253},
 publisher = {[London School of Economics, Wiley, London School of Economics and Political Science, Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines]},
 title = {Consumption Theory in Terms of Revealed Preference},
 urldate = {2024-02-27},
 volume = {15},
 year = {1948}

  title={Foundations of Modern Analysis},
  author={Jean Dieudonne},
  publisher={Read Books Limited}


您的 bib 文件包含许多不一致和错误。其中之一是对@article似乎未在学术期刊上发表的条目使用条目类型;我建议您@misc对这些条目使用全能条目类型——当然,除非您能想出更好的替代方案。您的很多条目都未能有效使用该date字段,这是 biblatex/biber 的新字段,并且 BibTeX 无法识别。

publisher= {Graduate Texts in Mathematics 218, Springer Verlag},


series   = {Graduate Texts in Mathematics},
number   = {218},
publisher= {Springer Verlag},




以下屏幕截图显示了更新后的 bib 文件的前几个条目。它是使用 TeXworks 作为前端、MacTeX2023 作为后端进行编译的。只要您的 TeX 发行版设置正确且相当最新,您使用 TeXstudio 重新创建它应该不会有问题。


\documentclass{article} % or some other suitable document class

%% create a bib file "on the fly":
  author   = {Graziano Gentili and Fabio Podestà and Edoardo Vesentini},
  year     = {1995},
  title    = {Lezioni di Geometria Differenziale},
  publisher= {Bollati Boringhieri},
  address  = {Torino},
  edition  = {1},
  pages    = {3-6,11,13,22,29,31-33,42-45},
  keyword  = {Geometria Differenziale}

  author   = {John Marshall Lee},
  year     = {2018},
  title    = {Introduction to Smooth Manifolds},
  series   = {Graduate Texts in Mathematics},
  number   = 218,
  publisher= {Springer Verlag},
  address  = {New York},
  edition  = {2},
  pages    = {490-514},
  keyword  = {Geometria Differenziale}

  author   = {Wikipedia},
  date     = {2023-05-15},
  title    = {Frobenius theorem (differential topology)},
  publisher= {Internet},
  keyword  = {Geometria Differenziale}

  author   = {Wikipedia},
  date     = {2022-08-23},
  title    = {Théorème de Frobenius (géométrie différentielle)},
  publisher= {Internet},
  keyword  = {Geometria Differenziale}


  author   = {Wikipedia},
  date     = {2023-09-02},
  title    = {Sheaf (mathematics)},
  publisher= {Internet},
  keyword  = {Geometria Differenziale}

  author   = {Ralph Abraham and Jerrold Eldon Marsden},
  year     = {2008},
  title    = {Foundations of Mechanics},
  publisher= {Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, lnc.},
  address  = {California},
  edition  = {2},
  pages    = {93-95},
  keyword  = {Meccanica}

  author   = {Annalisa Malusa},
  month    = aug,
  year     = {2022},
  title    = {Introduzione alle Equazioni Differenziali Oridinarie},
  publisher= {Indipendently published},
  address  = {Torrazza Piemonte (TO)},
  edition  = {2},
  pages    = {47-67},
  keyword  = {Analisi}

  author   = {George Ferdinand Frobenius},
  journal  = {Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik},
  pages    = {230-315},
  title    = {Über das Pfaffsche Problem},
  url      = {http://eudml.org/doc/148315},
  volume   = {82},
  year     = {1877},
  keyword  = {Geometria Differenziale}

  author   = {Chong-Kyu Han},
  month    = may,
  year     = {2023},
  title    = {Generalization of the Frobenius Theorem on involutivity},
  url      = {http://www.math.snu.ac.kr/~ckhan/paperpdf/generalfrobenius.pdf},
  publisher= {Internet},
  keyword  = {Geometria Differenziale}

  author   = {Joel William Robbin and Dietmar Arno Salamon},
  %year = {Maggio 2023},
  title    = {Introduction to Differential Geometry},
  date     = {2022-10-11},
  publisher= {Internet},
  url      = {https://people.math.ethz.ch/~salamon/PREPRINTS/diffgeo.pdf},
  %publisher = {Internet},
  keyword  = {Geometria Differenziale}

  author   = {Rudolf Friedrich Alfred Clebsch},
  title    = {{Über die simultane Integration linearer partieller Differentialgleichungen.}},
  xmonth   = {Gennaio},
  date     = {1866-01-01},
  publisher= {Zenodo},
  %pages = {230-315},
  doi      = {10.1515/crll.1866.65.257},
  url      = {https://doi.org/10.1515/crll.1866.65.257},
  keyword  = {Geometria Differenziale}

  author   = {Heinrich Wilhelm Feodor Deahna},
  title    = {{Über die Bedingungen der Integrabilität linearer 
             Differentialgleichungen erster Ordnung zwischen einer 
             beliebigen Anzahl veränderlicher Größen}},
  date     = {1840-01-01},
  publisher= {Zenodo},
  %pages = {230-315},
  doi      = {10.1515/crll.1840.20.340},
  url      = {https://doi.org/10.1515/crll.1840.20.340}

  author   = {Hassler Whitney},
  title    = {Differentiable manifolds},
  xmonth   = {Febbraio},
  date     = {1936-02-10},
  publisher= {JSTOR},
  pages    = {230--315},
  doi      = {10.1515/crll.1866.65.257},
  url      = {https://people.math.osu.edu/davis.12/courses/6701/whitney36.pdf},
  keyword  = {Geometria Differenziale}

  author   = {Howard Osborn},
  title    = {Vector Bundles, Vol. 1, Foundations and Stielel-Whitney Classes},
  publisher= {Academic Press},
  year     = 1982,
  pages    = {28, 29, 50--52, 260, 291--294},
  url      = {https://www.maths.ed.ac.uk/~v1ranick/papers/osborn.pdf},
  keyword  = {Geometria Differenziale}

  author   = {John Wellard Milnor},
  title    = {On Manifolds Homeomorphic to the 7-Sphere},
  xmonth   = {Giugno},
  date     = {1956-06-14},
  publisher= {JSTOR},
  %pages = {230-315},
  %doi = {10.1515/crll.1866.65.257},
  url      = {https://people.math.osu.edu/burghelea.1/MaterialDiffTopology/Milnorsphere.pdf},
  keyword  = {Geometria Differenziale}

  author   = {Michel André Kervaire},
  title    = {A Manifold which does not admit any Differentiable Structure},
  xmonth   = {Dicembre},
  date     = {2011-12-12},
  publisher= {JSTOR},
  %pages = {230-315},
  %doi = {10.1515/crll.1866.65.257},
  url      = {https://people.math.rochester.edu/faculty/doug/otherpapers/kervaire.pdf},
  keyword  = {Geometria Differenziale}

  author   = {Nicolas Hadjisavvas and Jean-Paul Penot},
  title    = {Revisiting the problem of integrability in utility theory},
  pages    = {1-15},
  xmonth   = {Settembre},
  date     = {2015-09-01},
  volume   = {64},
  journal  = {Optimization},
  doi      = {10.1080/02331934.2015.1080701},
  keyword  = {Economia}

  ISSN     = {00130427, 14680335},
  URL      = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2549499},
  author   = {Paul Anthony Samuelson},
  journal  = {Economica},
  number   = {68},
  pages    = {355--385},
  publisher= {[London School of Economics, Wiley, London School of Economics 
               and Political Science, Suntory and Toyota International Centres 
               for Economics and Related Disciplines]},
  title    = {The Problem of Integrability in Utility Theory},
  urldate  = {2024-02-26},
  volume   = {17},
  year     = {1950},
  keyword  = {Economia}

 ISSN      = {00130427, 14680335},
 URL       = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2549561},
 author    = {Paul Anthony Samuelson},
 journal   = {Economica},
 number    = {60},
 pages     = {243--253},
 publisher = {[London School of Economics, Wiley, London School of Economics 
               and Political Science, Suntory and Toyota International Centres 
               for Economics and Related Disciplines]},
 title     = {Consumption Theory in Terms of Revealed Preference},
 urldate   = {2024-02-27},
 volume    = {15},
 year      = {1948}

  title    = {Foundations of Modern Analysis},
  author   = {Jean Dieudonné},
  isbn     = {9781446547519},
  url      = {https://books.google.it/books?id=gU58CgAAQBAJ},
  year     = {2011},
  publisher= {Read Books Ltd.}

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