\documentclass[crop, tikz]{standalone}
\definecolor{tab10_1}{rgb}{0.1216, 0.4667, 0.7059}
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\definecolor{tab10_4}{rgb}{0.8392, 0.1529, 0.1569}
\definecolor{tab10_5}{rgb}{0.5804, 0.4039, 0.7412}
\definecolor{tab10_6}{rgb}{0.549, 0.3373, 0.2941}
\definecolor{tab10_7}{rgb}{0.8902, 0.4667, 0.7608}
\definecolor{tab10_8}{rgb}{0.498, 0.498, 0.498}
\definecolor{tab10_9}{rgb}{0.7373, 0.7412, 0.1333}
\definecolor{tab10_10}{rgb}{0.0902, 0.7451, 0.8118}
every axis/.append style = {
line join = round,
line cap = round,
cycle list name = tab10,
grid = major,
grid style = {
color = black!50
every y tick scale label/.style={
% This looks great -- until the line gets drawn on top!
at = {(0, 1)},
xshift = 0pt,
anchor = north west,
outer sep = 0pt,
inner sep = 0.2em,
fill = white,
draw = black
ytick scale label code/.code={
% The default code. Maybe I could tweak this to my needs somehow?
$\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/tick scale binop} 10^{#1}$
group style={group size={1 by 2},
vertical sep={\figureheight/15}},
xtick={0.0, 0.5, 1.0}
ylabel={$\bm{x}$ (n.d.)},
legend columns={-1},
legend pos={north east},
legend entries={$x_1$, $x_2$, $x_3$},
title={Labels Occluded By Lines}
\addplot+[no markers, very thick]
table[row sep={\\}]
x y \\
0.0 1.0e-10 \\
1.0 1.0e-10 \\
\addplot+[no markers, very thick]
table[row sep={\\}]
x y \\
0.0 0.0e-10 \\
1.0 0.0e-10 \\
\addplot+[no markers, very thick]
table[row sep={\\}]
x y \\
0.0 0.5e-10 \\
1.0 0.5e-10 \\
ylabel={$\bm{x}^\prime$ (n.d.)},
legend columns={-1},
legend pos={north east},
legend entries={{$x^\prime_1$, $x^\prime_2$, $x^\prime_3$}},
xlabel={Common abscissa axis}
\addplot+[no markers, very thick]
table[row sep={\\}]
x y \\
0.0 1.0e-10 \\
1.0 1.0e-10 \\
\addplot+[no markers, very thick]
table[row sep={\\}]
x y \\
0.0 0.0e-10 \\
1.0 0.0e-10 \\
\addplot+[no markers, very thick]
table[row sep={\\}]
x y \\
0.0 0.5e-10 \\
1.0 0.5e-10 \\
axis on top
\pgfplotsset{axis on top}
手册第 4.27 节,或Tikz 轴边框在顶部,网格在下方)。看来 y 刻度标签在层中main
。定义 deplot
/pgfplots/layers/my layers/.define layer set={
axis background,
axis grid,
axis ticks,
pre main,
axis lines,
axis tick labels,
axis descriptions,
axis foreground
set layers=my layers,
every axis plot/.style={on layer=plots}
\documentclass[crop, tikz]{standalone}
\definecolor{tab10_1}{rgb}{0.1216, 0.4667, 0.7059}
\definecolor{tab10_2}{rgb}{1.0, 0.498, 0.0549}
\definecolor{tab10_3}{rgb}{0.1725, 0.6275, 0.1725}
\definecolor{tab10_4}{rgb}{0.8392, 0.1529, 0.1569}
\definecolor{tab10_5}{rgb}{0.5804, 0.4039, 0.7412}
\definecolor{tab10_6}{rgb}{0.549, 0.3373, 0.2941}
\definecolor{tab10_7}{rgb}{0.8902, 0.4667, 0.7608}
\definecolor{tab10_8}{rgb}{0.498, 0.498, 0.498}
\definecolor{tab10_9}{rgb}{0.7373, 0.7412, 0.1333}
\definecolor{tab10_10}{rgb}{0.0902, 0.7451, 0.8118}
every axis/.append style = {
line join = round,
line cap = round,
cycle list name = tab10,
grid = major,
grid style = {
color = black!50
every y tick scale label/.style={
% This looks great -- until the line gets drawn on top!
at = {(0, 1)},
xshift = 0pt,
anchor = north west,
outer sep = 0pt,
inner sep = 0.2em,
fill = white,
draw = black
ytick scale label code/.code={
% The default code. Maybe I could tweak this to my needs somehow?
$\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/tick scale binop} 10^{#1}$
/pgfplots/layers/my layers/.define layer set={
axis background,
axis grid,
axis ticks,
pre main,
axis lines,
axis tick labels,
axis descriptions,
axis foreground
set layers=my layers,
group style={group size={1 by 2},
vertical sep={\figureheight/15}},
xtick={0.0, 0.5, 1.0},
every axis plot/.style={on layer=plots}
ylabel={$\bm{x}$ (n.d.)},
legend columns={-1},
legend pos={north east},
legend entries={$x_1$, $x_2$, $x_3$},
title={Labels Occluded By Lines},
\addplot+[no markers, very thick]
table[row sep={\\}]
x y \\
0.0 1.0e-10 \\
1.0 1.0e-10 \\
\addplot+[no markers, very thick]
table[row sep={\\}]
x y \\
0.0 0.0e-10 \\
1.0 0.0e-10 \\
\addplot+[no markers, very thick]
table[row sep={\\}]
x y \\
0.0 0.5e-10 \\
1.0 0.5e-10 \\
ylabel={$\bm{x}^\prime$ (n.d.)},
legend columns={-1},
legend pos={north east},
legend entries={{$x^\prime_1$, $x^\prime_2$, $x^\prime_3$}},
xlabel={Common abscissa axis}
\addplot+[no markers, very thick]
table[row sep={\\}]
x y \\
0.0 1.0e-10 \\
1.0 1.0e-10 \\
\addplot+[no markers, very thick]
table[row sep={\\}]
x y \\
0.0 0.0e-10 \\
1.0 0.0e-10 \\
\addplot+[no markers, very thick]
table[row sep={\\}]
x y \\
0.0 0.5e-10 \\
1.0 0.5e-10 \\