删除 ``center`` 之前的空格

删除 ``center`` 之前的空格
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    \item value to the \verb|main| function. Instead it displays the result on the console. So we write {\fontfamily{qcr}\selectfont void sum (int a, int b)}. \\
    The \verb|main| function accepts the inputs and find \verb|sum| function in it. Suddenly it calls the \verb|sum| function and sends the inputs to \verb|sum| function. The \verb|sum| function takes the inputs and calculates the result and displays it on the console. Then the function control automatically returns to the \verb|main| function and finds the closing brace "$\}$" and terminates the program.
    \item \textbf{function with no argument and return type:}\\
    Here the \verb|sum| function has no argument and therefore we write \verb|sum()| (or we can write {\fontfamily{qcr}\selectfont sum (void)}). Since the function has return type (suppose \verb|int|), so we write \verb|int sum()| or {\fontfamily{qcr}\selectfont int sum(void)}.\\
    Here the \verb|main| function at first finds the \verb|sum| function and calls it. The \verb|sum| function then accepts the inputs and calculates. Since the \verb|sum| function has return type, so it returns the result to the \verb|main| function. \verb|main| function then receives the results and prints it on the console.
    /* Adding two numbers using function*/
int sum ();                
void main ()
   int c;                 
   c= sum();   
   printf("\n The sum is = %d",c);
int sum ()     
   int x,y,z;
   printf("Enter the two numbers: ");
   scanf("%d, %d", &x, &y);
   z= x+y;
   return z;
    \item \textbf{function with no argument and no return type:}\\
    Here the \verb|sum| function has no argument and therefore we write \verb|sum()| (or we can write {\fontfamily{qcr}\selectfont sum (void)}). Since the function has no return type, so we write \verb|void sum()| or {\fontfamily{qcr}\selectfont void sum(void)}.\\
    Here the \verb|main| function at first finds the \verb|sum| function and calls it. The \verb|sum| function then accepts the inputs and calculates. Since the \verb|sum| function has no return type, so it cannot return the result to the \verb|main| function. So the \verb|sum| function itself prints the result on the console. Then the function control automatically returns to the \verb|main| function and finds the closing brace "$\}$" and terminates the program.
    /* Adding two numbers using function*/
void sum ();                
void main ()
void sum ()     
   int x,y,z;
   printf("Enter the two numbers: ");
   scanf("%d, %d", &x, &y);
   z= x+y;
   printf("\n The sum is = %d",z);


  1. 编码中心对齐
  2. 字体是qcr
  3. 将页面

我可以使用{\fontfamily \selectfont {text}},但我认为这个过程对于大型编码来说相当费力。

编辑:我不想减少\def\baselinestretch{2.0}到 1 或者小于 2 的数字。
