使用 powershell 自动更新所有设备驱动程序 - 异常 HRESULT:0x80240044

使用 powershell 自动更新所有设备驱动程序 - 异常 HRESULT:0x80240044

我开始测试是否可以创建一个 powershell 脚本,它可以自动更新所有设备驱动程序。

搜索了一段时间后,我偶然发现了这个帖子: 如何在设备管理器中自动更新所有设备


Powershell 抛出 HRESULT 0x80240024 异常。过去几天,我一直在试图找出导致这种情况的原因,但没有人能帮我解决。



#search and list all missing Drivers
set Window Title $host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = "HarryMc Driver Updater"

$Session = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Session           
$Searcher = $Session.CreateUpdateSearcher() 

$Searcher.ServiceID = '7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d'
$Searcher.SearchScope =  1 # MachineOnly
$Searcher.ServerSelection = 3 # Third Party

$Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and Type='Driver' and ISHidden=0"
Write-Host('Searching Driver-Updates...') -Fore Green  
$SearchResult = $Searcher.Search($Criteria)          
$Updates = $SearchResult.Updates

#Show available Drivers

$Updates | select Title, DriverModel, DriverVerDate, Driverclass, DriverManufacturer | fl

#Download the Drivers from Microsoft

$UpdatesToDownload = New-Object -Com Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl
$updates | % { $UpdatesToDownload.Add($_) | out-null }
Write-Host('Downloading Drivers...')  -Fore Green  
$UpdateSession = New-Object -Com Microsoft.Update.Session
$Downloader = $UpdateSession.CreateUpdateDownloader()
$Downloader.Updates = $UpdatesToDownload

#Check if the Drivers are all downloaded and trigger the Installation

$UpdatesToInstall = New-Object -Com Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl
$updates | % { if($_.IsDownloaded) { $UpdatesToInstall.Add($_) | out-null } }

Write-Host('Installing Drivers...')  -Fore Green  
$Installer = $UpdateSession.CreateUpdateInstaller()
$Installer.Updates = $UpdatesToInstall
$InstallationResult = $Installer.Install()
if($InstallationResult.RebootRequired) {  
Write-Host('Reboot required! please reboot now..') -Fore Red  
} else { Write-Host('Done..') -Fore Green }

Write-Host Write-Host('Press any key to exit ...') -Fore Yellow   $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")

编辑:脚本在第 28 行尝试下载驱动程序时失败,因此无法在第 38 行安装它们。脚本主要用于 win 10 系统。

