2000 年的排字员乳胶风格

2000 年的排字员乳胶风格

最近我发现了这份文件:https://public.websites.umich.edu/~hlm/nzm/clintman.pdf (抱歉引用了链接但我向你保证它是安全的)

我的问题是,是否有人可以帮我制作一个小模板,生成与链接中相同的 PDF,内容并不重要,但为了解决这个问题,我们可以使用文档中的部分文本。


\font\BF cmbx30 scaled \magstep2
\Huge \textbf{Hallo}
The program FacTab produces a table of least prime divisors of odd numbers, up to $10^9$. The                     values are calculated by dividing small primes into the numbers in the desired range, until the only numbers for which a least prime divisor has not been found are prime. Let $p$ be a given prime number. The least composite integer $n$ such that $p$ is the least prime factor of $n$ is $n=p^2$. (In this connection, recall Problem 24. on p. 30 of NZM.) Thus if one is to prepare a table of least prime factors of integers in an interval $[a, b]$, then it is useful to have on hand a table of all primes $p \leq b^{1 / 2}$. In the case of FacTab, the intervals considered are of the form $[10 N, 10 N+200]$ with $N \leq 10^8$. Since 31607 and 31627 are consecutive primes, and since $$31607^2<10^9+200<31627^2$$

如果将此文档的输出与 pdf 进行比较,您会发现 clintman.pdf 中的字母是更厚的就像排字员的字体一样。

也许有人知道他们是如何编写 tex 文件的,可以帮助我,我真的很喜欢这种旧的 LaTeX 风格。仅使用 T4 会产生细字母,但它与文档中的不一样。

提示:我注意到网站上有 TEX 文件https://public.websites.umich.edu/~hlm/nzm/nzmsupp.html他们的代码里有这个

\input amstex
\vsize 8.5truein
\font\BF cmbx10 scaled \magstep2

遗憾的是,tex 文件无法在 Overleaf 中编译。





