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\chapter{Introduction} % Main chapter title
%\lhead{Chapter 1. \emph{Introduction}}
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\lettrine[loversize=0.15]{M}{emory} devices came a long way starting from punched cards in 1890 A.D. which could hold approximately 80 B (Bytes) of data, to the present day greater than 2 TB (Terabyte) memory space in USB flash drives. In the present era of the Internet of Things (IoT), people are surrounded by different sensory devices in their daily lives. These devices generate enormous amounts of data giving rise to the concept of BIG DATA in IoT \cite{Ch1_ref1}. For efficient management of such data, the requirement of an intelligent computing architecture having reliable and high-density data storage memory devices for faster and reliable data processing is of immense importance for the current and upcoming future generations \cite{Ch1_ref2}.
Currently, the memory market is dominated by DRAM and flash memory devices. To meet the growing demand in terms of read/write speed and integration density, devices are scaled aggressively, which sets limits \cite{Ch1_ref3,Ch1_ref4,Ch1_ref5} to the above devices. 2D NAND devices have been scaled down to a 15 nm technology node, further scaling sets several limitations on the device. Vertical NAND (V-NAND) or 3D NAND with a stacked structure addresses this scalability issue \cite{Ch1_ref6} and provides greater storage density. However, such devices suffer from low read-write cycles and costly fabrication methodology, making them unsuitable for applications requiring faster data processing at affordable pricing.
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\chapter{Introduction} % Main chapter title
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\lettrine[loversize=0.15]{M}{emory} devices came a long way starting from punched cards in 1890 A.D. which could hold approximately 80 B (Bytes) of data, to the present day greater than 2 TB (Terabyte) memory space in USB flash drives. In the present era of the Internet of Things (IoT), people are surrounded by different sensory devices in their daily lives. These devices generate enormous amounts of data giving rise to the concept of BIG DATA in IoT \cite{Ch1_ref1}. For efficient management of such data, the requirement of an intelligent computing architecture having reliable and high-density data storage memory devices for faster and reliable data processing is of immense importance for the current and upcoming future generations \cite{Ch1_ref2}.
Currently, the memory market is dominated by DRAM and flash memory devices. To meet the growing demand in terms of read/write speed and integration density, devices are scaled aggressively, which sets limits \cite{Ch1_ref3,Ch1_ref4,Ch1_ref5} to the above devices. 2D NAND devices have been scaled down to a 15 nm technology node, further scaling sets several limitations on the device. Vertical NAND (V-NAND) or 3D NAND with a stacked structure addresses this scalability issue \cite{Ch1_ref6} and provides greater storage density. However, such devices suffer from low read-write cycles and costly fabrication methodology, making them unsuitable for applications requiring faster data processing at affordable pricing.