pgfplots:找到两条曲线的交点并确定交点的 y 值

pgfplots:找到两条曲线的交点并确定交点的 y 值



现在我想画一幅图,其中我需要计算路口两条曲线的交点,并确定交点的 y 值是否为零。如果不为零,我需要画一条通过该点垂直于 x 轴的直线。
我将使用循环(foreach ) 来完成操作,但现在我在获取循环总数时遇到了问题。总数循环应该是总数intersections但现在看来,总数intersections没有正确复制到宏中\t

这是我的代码: 我的环境是 VSCode + TexLive + LaTeX Workshop

    \begin{axis}[title = Fig1,xlabel = $Voltage$,ylabel = $Probability Density$,xmin = \xmin, xmax = \xmax, ymin = \ymin, ymax = \ymax, grid = both, legend pos = north east]
        \coordinate (O) at (\xmin,\ymin);
        \coordinate (X) at (\xmax,\ymin);
        \coordinate (Y) at (\xmin,\ymax);
        \addplot[name path = rayleigh, domain = 0:8, samples = 100, color = black, dashed, line width = 1pt]{x*exp(-x^2/(2*\sigmarayleigh^2))/(\sigmarayleigh^2)};
        \addplot[name path = gauss, domain = 0:8, samples = 100, color = black, line width = 1pt]{1/(sqrt(2*pi*\gaussvar))*exp(-(x-\gaussmean)^2/(2*\gaussvar))};
        \path [name intersections={of=rayleigh and gauss, name = ii, total=\t}];
        \foreach \s in {1,...,\t}{
            \typeout{Total intersections: \s};

以下是编译日志: 在此处输入图片描述

然后我对我的代码做了简单的修改,把 替换成\t固定的数字9,然后这段代码就能成功运行了,修改后的代码如下:

    \begin{axis}[title = Fig1,xlabel = $Voltage$,ylabel = $Probability Density$,xmin = \xmin, xmax = \xmax, ymin = \ymin, ymax = \ymax, grid = both, legend pos = north east]
        \coordinate (O) at (\xmin,\ymin);
        \coordinate (X) at (\xmax,\ymin);
        \coordinate (Y) at (\xmin,\ymax);
        \addplot[name path = rayleigh, domain = 0:8, samples = 100, color = black, dashed, line width = 1pt]{x*exp(-x^2/(2*\sigmarayleigh^2))/(\sigmarayleigh^2)};
        \addplot[name path = gauss, domain = 0:8, samples = 100, color = black, line width = 1pt]{1/(sqrt(2*pi*\gaussvar))*exp(-(x-\gaussmean)^2/(2*\gaussvar))};
        \path [name intersections={of=rayleigh and gauss, name = ii, total=\t}];
        \foreach \s in {1,...,9}{
            \typeout{Total intersections: \s};

以下是编译日志: 在此处输入图片描述 看起来\t在我的代码中没有赋值。
