![如何用 LaTex 绘制博弈树,尤其是包含信息集的博弈树?](https://linux22.com/image/475165/%E5%A6%82%E4%BD%95%E7%94%A8%20LaTex%20%E7%BB%98%E5%88%B6%E5%8D%9A%E5%BC%88%E6%A0%91%EF%BC%8C%E5%B0%A4%E5%85%B6%E6%98%AF%E5%8C%85%E5%90%AB%E4%BF%A1%E6%81%AF%E9%9B%86%E7%9A%84%E5%8D%9A%E5%BC%88%E6%A0%91%EF%BC%9F.png)
% styling options
every path/.style={thick},
round node/.style={fill=black,circle,draw,inner sep=1.5},
level distance=15mm,
level 1/.style={sibling distance=35mm},
level 2/.style={sibling distance=15mm},
level 3/.style={sibling distance=10mm},
% general tree structure
\node[round node] (level1) {}
child {node[round node] (level2) {}
child {node[round node] (level3) {}
child {node[round node,label=below:{$1$}] {} edge from parent node[left] {$a_1$}}
child {node[round node,label=below:{$0$}] {} edge from parent node[right] {$a_2$}}
edge from parent node[above left] {$s_1$}
child {node[round node] (level32) {}
child {node[round node,label=below:{$0$}] {} edge from parent node[left] {$a_1$}}
child {node[round node,label=below:{$1$}] {} edge from parent node[right] {$a_2$}}
edge from parent node[above right] {$s_2$}
edge from parent node[left] {$t_1$}
child {node[round node] {}
child {node[round node] (level33) {}
child {node[round node,label=below:{$1$}] {} edge from parent node[left] {$a_1$}}
child {node[round node,label=below:{$0$}] {} edge from parent node[right] {$a_2$}}
edge from parent node[above left] {$s_1$}
child {node[round node] (level34) {}
child {node[round node,label=below:{$0$}] {} edge from parent node[left] {$a_1$}}
child {node[round node,label=below:{$1$}] (lowright) {} edge from parent node[right] {$a_2$}}
edge from parent node[above right] {$s_2$}
edge from parent node[right] {$t_2$}
% annotations to the right
\coordinate (legendX) at ($(lowright)+(1.5,0)$);
\node at (legendX|-level1) {Nature};
\node at (legendX|-level2) {Sender};
\node at (legendX|-level3) {Receiver};
\node at (legendX) {Payoff};
% dashed lines
\path[draw, dashed, bend left, gray] (level3) to (level33);
\path[draw, dashed, bend right, gray] (level32) to (level34);
%% game tree
\istb{t_1}[al] \istb{t_2}[ar] \endist
\istb{s_1}[al] \istb{s_2}[ar] \endist
\istb{s_1}[al] \istb{s_2}[ar] \endist
\istb{a_1}[l]{1} \istb{a_2}[r]{0} \endist
\istb{a_1}[l]{1} \istb{a_2}[r]{0} \endist
\istb{a_1}[l]{1} \istb{a_2}[r]{0} \endist
\istb{a_1}[l]{1} \istb{a_2}[r]{0} \endist
%% information sets
%% right text