longtable 溢出 \hbox,带有 S 列和移位文本

longtable 溢出 \hbox,带有 S 列和移位文本


现在,我继续前进,填充了表格,但我得到了一个\hbox 溢出警告可能与单元格内容的大小和S列类型有关(我猜)。
我确实喜欢使用数学样式的格式和数字对齐,但我想避免警告...有没有办法修复此问题并保留当前样式?下面是结构和相关代码的视图: 在此处输入图片描述





    >{\centering\arraybackslash\smallerbaseline\bfseries} p{0.20\linewidth} *{4}{S[table-format=2.2]}
\caption[\textbf{Graphs metrics for the \texttt{minigraph-CACTUS} and the \texttt{PGGB} toy-model pangenomes}]{\textbf{Graphs metrics for the \texttt{minigraph-CACTUS} and the \texttt{PGGB} toy-model pangenomes.} Most relevant set of metrics to describe pangenome graphs as per <reference>, the Total length and the Estimated sequence length are both in bp. All values have been derived from \texttt{BandageNG}.}
\label{table:graphs} \\
& \multicolumn{4}{c}{\textbf{GRAPH}} \\
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{\texttt{minigraph-CACTUS}}  
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{\texttt{PGGB}} \\
\cmidrule{2-3} \cmidrule{4-5}

& {\textit{GRCh38-only}} & {\textit{CHM13}} & {\textit{GRCh38-only}} & {\textit{CHM13}} \\

Node Count & 53471400 & 57987367 &  & 61863301 \\
Edge Count & 73629600 & 80019027 &  & 85339313 \\
Total length & 790625239 & 975120756 &  & 0 \\
Dead ends & 10726 & 10717 &  & 5711 \\
Connected components & 4539 & 4549 &  & 408 \\
Median depth & 3 & 3 &  & 12 \\
Estimated sequence length & 5085592535 & 5270088052 &  & 4197455394 \\


