





    This is a paragraph before the enumeration. This is a paragraph before the enumeration. This is a paragraph before the enumeration. This is a paragraph before the enumeration. This is a paragraph before the enumeration. \par
        \item First line. First line. First line. First line. First line. First line. First line. First line. 
        \item Second line. Second line. Second line. Second line. Second line. Second line. Second line. 
        \item Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. 
        This is a paragraph \textbf{WITHIN the enumeration}. This is a paragraph \textbf{WITHIN the enumeration}. This is a paragraph \textbf{WITHIN the enumeration}. This is a paragraph \textbf{WITHIN the enumeration}.

        \item Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. 

    The enumeration has ended here.\par

    This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. 


在我看来,视觉/美学问题是由左侧表格比 宽很多引起的0.5\linewidth。一旦你为环境分配更合适的相对宽度minipage——比如0.65\linewidth0.35\linewidth——环境内部和外部的表格布局之间的差异enumerate就不那么明显了。




%\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % that's the default nowadays
\usepackage{setspace} \setstretch{1.1}
\usepackage{parskip} % zero \parindent, non-zero \parskip

\usepackage{enumerate} % I'd use 'enumitem' package



\item First line. First line. First line. First line. First line. First line. First line. First line. 
\item Second line. Second line. Second line. Second line. Second line. Second line. Second line. 
\item Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line.

% Table 1       
\captionof{table}{Major Losses from 2020 to 2023}
    Year & Bets & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Loss} \\
    2020 & AMZN, AAPL, GOOG, META  & \$12,067 \\ 
    2021 & PFE, T                  & \$10,559 \\ 
    2022 & LULU                    & \$10,565 \\ 
    2023 & BABA, C, WFC            & \$14,390 \\ 
& \multicolumn{1}{r}{\textbf{Total}} & \textbf{\$42,581}                       
% Table 2           
\captionof{table}{Largest Losses}
    Company & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Loss} \\ 
    BABA    & \$11,410 \\ 
    X       & \$11,854 \\ 
    D       & \$11,879 \\ 
    MU      & \$12,565 \\ 
    OUST    & \$8,752  \\ 
    MSFT    & \$3,804  \\ 
    \multicolumn{1}{r}{\textbf{Total}} & \textbf{\$60,264}        

\item Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. 


The enumeration ends here.


This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. 
This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. 

% Table 3       
\captionof{table}{Major Losses from 2020 to 2023}
    Year & Bets & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Loss}    \\
    2020 & AMZN, AAPL, GOOG, META  & \$12,067 \\ 
    2021 & PFE, T                  & \$10,559 \\ 
    2022 & LULU                    & \$10,565 \\ 
    2023 & BABA, C, WFC            & \$14,390 \\ 
& \multicolumn{1}{r}{\textbf{Total}} & \textbf{\$42,581}                       
% Table 4           
\captionof{table}{Largest Losses}
    Company & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Loss} \\ 
    BABA    & \$11,410 \\ 
    X       & \$11,854 \\ 
    D       & \$11,879 \\ 
    MU      & \$12,565 \\ 
    OUST    & \$8,752  \\ 
    MSFT    & \$3,804  \\ 
    \multicolumn{1}{r}{\textbf{Total}} & \textbf{\$60,264}        




附录为了解决 OP 修改的问题,


为此,只需(a)确保enumitem包已加载 - 就像 OP 发布的修改后的查询中的情况一样,(b)插入



This is a paragraph \textbf{WITHIN the enumeration}. 
This is a paragraph \textbf{WITHIN the enumeration}. 
This is a paragraph \textbf{WITHIN the enumeration}. 
This is a paragraph \textbf{WITHIN the enumeration}.







\newcommand{\fullwidth}[1]{% #1 = text
  \par\hspace*{-\@totalleftmargin}\parbox{\textwidth}{\strut #1\strut}\par}

    This is a paragraph before the enumeration. This is a paragraph before the enumeration. This is a paragraph before the enumeration. This is a paragraph before the enumeration. This is a paragraph before the enumeration. \par
        \item First line. First line. First line. First line. First line. First line. First line. First line. 
        \item Second line. Second line. Second line. Second line. Second line. Second line. Second line. 
        \item Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. 
\fullwidth{This is a paragraph \textbf{WITHIN the enumeration}. This is a paragraph \textbf{WITHIN the enumeration}. This is a paragraph \textbf{WITHIN the enumeration}. This is a paragraph \textbf{WITHIN the enumeration}.}

        \item Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. 

    The enumeration has ended here.\par

    This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. 
