LaTeX Googe AI 显然对包 {emboss} 产生了幻觉

LaTeX Googe AI 显然对包 {emboss} 产生了幻觉

我们向 Google 提出了一个简单的问题:

latex how to produce embossed text

Gogle 的回应是:

Generative AI is experimental. Learn more
There are a few ways to produce embossed text in LaTeX. One way is to use the \emboss package. This package provides a number of commands for creating embossed text, including \embosstext, \embossbox, and \embossrule.

To use the \emboss package, you first need to add it to your preamble. You can do this by adding the following line to your preamble:


Once you have added the emboss package to your preamble, you can start using its commands to create embossed text. For example, to create embossed text, you can use the \embosstext command. The \embosstext command takes two arguments: the text to be embossed and the depth of the embossing.

For example, the following code would create the text "Hello, world!" embossed to a depth of 2pt:

\embosstext{Hello, world!}{2pt} 

You can also use the \embossbox command to create a box around embossed text. The \embossbox command takes two arguments: the text to be embossed and the size of the box.
For example, the following code would create the text "Hello, world!" embossed to a depth of 2pt and placed in a box that is 10pt wide and 5pt high:

\embossbox{Hello, world!}{10pt}{5pt} 

Finally, you can use the \embossrule command to create a rule that is embossed. The \embossrule command takes two arguments: the length of the rule and the depth of the embossing.

For example, the following code would create a rule that is 10pt long and embossed to a depth of 2pt:


The emboss package is a powerful tool for creating embossed text in LaTeX. By using the \embosstext, \embossbox, and \embossrule commands, you can create a variety of embossed effects in your documents.

问题是,据我所知,这样的软件包似乎根本不存在!有人知道 Google 从哪里获取了有关此软件包的信息吗?甚至这个规范是否存在?




编写一个名为 emboss.sty 的乳胶包,使用浮雕字体样式生成文本


创建 LaTeX 包以使用浮雕字体样式生成文本需要定义一种新的字体形状,然后提供命令来切换该字体形状。以下是如何实现此类包的基本示例:

% emboss.sty

% Define the embossed font shape
\DeclareFontShape{OT1}{emboss}{m}{n}{<-> emboss}{}

% Define the command to switch to embossed font

% Define the command to switch back to normal font

% Command to emboss text
\newcommand{\emboss}[1]{{\embossfont #1}}


以下是如何在 LaTeX 文档中使用此包的方法:



This is normal text.

\emboss{This text is embossed.}

Back to normal text.


当您使用 LaTeX 编译文档并包含 emboss.sty 包时,其中包含的任何文本\emboss{}都将使用浮雕字体样式显示。




在 ChatGPT 级别,这些 AI 工具是语言模型,而不是知识模型。也就是说,它会以某种方式(词袋等)粉碎所有输入参考数据。因此,它可以在一定程度上模仿语言。虽然与人类术语的任何比较都不合适,但它以某种方式“获得了乳胶包装模式”。这或多或少就是幻觉进入输出的方式:获得性无能。









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