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{\normalsize{A Dissertation on}}\\
{\Large\bf  {{Fractional Order Controller}}} \\
{\normalsize{J.A.Gaikwad }} \\
{\normalsize\bf{Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune}} \\
{\normalsize\textit{(An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Pune)}}\\
{\normalsize{in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree }} \\
%{\normalsize{for the degree of}} \\

{\Large\bf{Master of Engineering}} \\
%\normalsize{(M. Tech)}\\
{\normalsize{in}} \\
{\Large{Instrumentation and Control}} \\
{\large{(Process Instrumentation)}} \\
{\normalsize{by}} \\

{\Large\bf{Priyanka Wadje} \\
\normalsize{(GR NO. 13M089)} \\

{\large{Under the guidance of}} \\

{\Large\bf{J.A.Gaikwad}} \\

{\large \bf {Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering}}\\
{\large \bf {Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune-411037}}\\

\large \bf {31 July 2014}


您没有正确使用\normalsize\large\Large:它们充当开关并影响当前范围内的所有内容,而不仅仅是后续{ ... }括号组中的材料。该宏\bf在 LaTeX 下不受完全支持(它是一个 Plain-TeX 命令);请改用\bfseries。该指令\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.1}无法按照您使用的方式工作。我建议您加载包setspace并发出命令\setstretch{1.1}。最后,我会将指令添加\thispagestyle{empty}到有问题的页面,因为标题页通常不显示页码。


\usepackage[demo]{graphicx} % omit 'demo' option in real document
\usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry} % choose margins suitably
\usepackage{setspace}  % for '\setstretch' macro
A Dissertation on\\
{\Large\bfseries  Fractional Order Controller} \\
J.A. Gaikwad\\
{\bfseries Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune} \\
({\itshape An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Pune})\\
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree \\
%{\normalsize{for the degree of}} \\

{\Large\bfseries Master of Engineering} \\
%\normalsize{(M. Tech)}\\
in \\
{\Large Instrumentation and Control } \\
{\large (Process Instrumentation) } \\
by \\

{\Large\bfseries Priyanka Wadje} \\
(GR NO. 13M089) \\

{\large Under the guidance of} \\

{\Large\bfseries J.A. Gaikwad} \\

{\large \bfseries Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering}\\
{\large \bfseries Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune-411037}\\

{\large \bfseries 31 July 2014}

