我对 pgfplots 还很陌生。
\usepackage{amsthm, amsfonts, amsmath, amssymb, mathrsfs, enumerate,graphicx}
\usepackage{pgfplots} %For creating plots inside LaTeX itself
\usepackage{subcaption} %To create subfigures
ymin=0, xmin=0,
%grid=major, % activate major grid lines
xlabel=$\text{radius, }r$,
ylabel=$\text{concentration, }c$,
title={Steady state concentration},
title style={yshift=1.5ex},
axis on top, % descriptions over filled area
legend pos=outer north east, % customize legend
{((1-0.00167)*ln(x)+0.00167*ln(0.5)-1*ln(2))/(ln(0.5)-ln(2))} ;
\caption{Steady state species concentration profile. }
ymin=0, xmin=0,
xlabel=$\text{radius, }r$,
ylabel=$\text{chemical potential, }\mu^{c^*}$,
title={Steady state chemical potential},
title style={yshift=1.5ex},
axis on top, % descriptions over filled area
legend pos=outer north east, % customize legend
{8.31*310*ln(((1-.00167)*ln(x)+.00167*ln(0.5)-1*ln(2))/(ln(0.5)-ln(2))/.00167)} ;
\caption{Steady state chemical potential profile}
\caption{Illustration of analytical steady state solution.}
\usepackage{pgfplots} %For creating plots inside LaTeX itself
\pgfplotsset{width=2in} %%<-------------------- this
\begin{轴}[ 宽度=2 英寸, y 轴最小值=0, x 轴最小值=0, . .
现在字体保持相同的大小。此外,您可以scale only axis,
ylabel style={overlay, anchor=north,}, %%% <-- this added
使标签更靠近 y 轴。
\usepackage{amsthm, amsfonts, amsmath, amssymb, mathrsfs, enumerate,graphicx}
\usepackage{pgfplots} %For creating plots inside LaTeX itself
\usepackage{subcaption} %To create subfigures
width=\linewidth, %%<----- here
scale only axis, %%% <-- this added
ymin=0, xmin=0,
%grid=major, % activate major grid lines
xlabel=$\text{radius, }r$,
ylabel=$\text{concentration, }c$,
ylabel style={overlay, anchor=north,}, %%% <-- this added
title={Steady state concentration},
title style={yshift=1.5ex},
axis on top, % descriptions over filled area
legend pos=outer north east, % customize legend
{((1-0.00167)*ln(x)+0.00167*ln(0.5)-1*ln(2))/(ln(0.5)-ln(2))} ;
\caption{Steady state species concentration profile. }
width=\linewidth, %%<-------- here
scale only axis, %%% <-- this added
ymin=0, xmin=0,
xlabel=$\text{radius, }r$,
ylabel=$\text{chemical potential, }\mu^{c^*}$,
ylabel style={overlay, anchor=north,}, %%% <-- this added
title={Steady state chemical potential},
title style={yshift=1.5ex},
axis on top, % descriptions over filled area
legend pos=outer north east, % customize legend
{8.31*310*ln(((1-.00167)*ln(x)+.00167*ln(0.5)-1*ln(2))/(ln(0.5)-ln(2))/.00167)} ;
\caption{Steady state chemical potential profile}
\caption{Illustration of analytical steady state solution.}