这篇文章是我旧文的后续:在表格或并行包内绘制垂直线(以及如何扩展并行以拥有超过 2 列。
- 右列居中文本
- 右列中同一“条目”内的多行文本
\centering{\textbf{$(A)$ some text i can center}} & {\centering{\textbf{$(B)$ some text i can't center}}} \\\hline
$(C)$ some text here and then enter \\ and have some more text below \\ which is possible & $(D)$ \textbf{some text here but then enter} \\ \textbf{and have some more text below} \\ \textbf{isn't possible + the vertical lines on the right get distorted ...} \\
$(E)$ & $(F)$ \\\hline
$(H)_1$ \filllines{6}& $(H)_2$
& \vspace{1cm} Thanks for any help in advance! :) \\
已编辑,以实现单元格 B、D、F 和右下单元格的水平居中。为了\centering
使 生效,\par
必须 生效。{\centering...\par}
在最后两种情况下可以使用 来完成,但由于单元格“B”和“F”是一行,因此我不得不使用 来实现\hfil...\hfill
为了回答 OP 关于我如何垂直居中单元格“D”的评论,关键是将单元格“C”设为单个单元格,而 OP 的 MWE 将单元格“C”组合为两个唯一的单元格。
\centering{\textbf{$(A)$ some text i can center}}
& \hfil\bfseries$(B)$ some text i can't center\hfill\\ \hline
$(C)$ some text here and then enter and have some more text below which is possible\bfseries\par\bigskip
and have some more text below
isn't possible + the vertical lines on the right get distorted ...
& \filllines{2.5}{\centering$(D)$ \bfseries text here but then enter\par}
\filllines{2} \\
$(E)$ & \hfil$(F)$\hfill \\\hline
$(H)_1$ \filllines{6}& $(H)_2$
& \filllines{2.5} {\centering Thanks for any help in advance! :)\par} \\