在 beamer 中的 minipage 顶部 itemize 环境之前插入垂直空格

在 beamer 中的 minipage 顶部 itemize 环境之前插入垂直空格

请参阅底部以了解 touhami 反馈后更新的 MWE 和更多分析。

我看到的问题是,itemize投影仪顶部的环境columncolumns具有 [t] 对齐)引入了一个空行。我试图将itemize一列中的行与另一列中的文本行对齐,因此我更改了相关参数(\topsep\itemsep)并修改了投影仪类中的一些代码。但是,问题不是由这样的修改引起的;事实上,如果我在序言中注释这些行(参见 MWE),效果仍然存在。我将它们保留在最小的示例中,以便很明显插入的垂直空间恰好对应一行。我可以通过在\vspace{-\baselineskip}每个出现此问题的幻灯片的列开头插入来修复垂直空间,但我想知道是否有办法在演示文稿中全局修复它。


  • 如果columns将对齐方式改为 [T],垂直空间会减少,但两列中的行不再对齐。
  • 仅当itemize环境位于列顶部时才会发生这种情况:如果在环境之前添加了一些文本,则不会插入垂直空间并且行会对齐。
  • 列的顺序无关紧要:如果itemize环境位于第一个列,也会出现问题。



%%% These lines are a modified version of the code from the beamer 
%%% class (file beamerbaselocalstructure.sty). If they are commented
%%% out, the effect is still present\makeatletter
  \topsep  0pt
  \parsep  0pt
  \itemsep 0pt

  % If this is changed to [T] the lines are not aligned
    This is some text only to show the alignment (or the lack of it)
    between this column and the following one which starts with an
    itemize environment.
    %%% This vertical space corresponds to normal a text line, but
    %%% only happens if the itemize environment is at the beginning of
    %%% the column: indeed if we uncomment the next line, the items do
    %%% not move.
    % Something
    %%% This is a manual workaround, but I'd prefer a global fix
    % \vspace{-\baselineskip}
    \item First
    \item Second
    \item Third
    \item Fourth

(编辑)对于T对齐,问题也可以通过设置\partopsep为零来解决,正如 Ignasi 在其评论中所建议的那样,但这不适用于t对齐。然后,查看 touhami 的答案开头的两个对齐选项之间的差异,我不明白为什么要插入额外的垂直空间。似乎可以通过 来抑制它\notinterlineskip,但为什么首先要插入它呢?

(更新)itemize当环境位于 a 的顶部minipage(beamer所基于的) 时,也会出现此问题column。因此,显示此问题的另一个 MWE 如下:


  \topsep  0pt
  \parsep  0pt
  \itemsep 0pt

    This is a minipage with some text to show the issue.
    Text in the top line.
    \item An item.
    \item A second item.

    This is a minipage with some text to show the issue.
    \item Item in the top line.
    \item A second item.

MWE 的输出


  • 插入的垂直空间比第一个 MWE 中的要小,但如果我添加\leavevmode在前面\begin{itemize}(如在 beamer 环境的定义中column),它就变得相同了。
  • 该问题是由 beamer 类引起的:如果documentclass更改为article(并且frame环境被删除)则不会插入垂直空间。
  • itemize但是,这个问题似乎与类对环境的重新定义无关。如果我注释掉 240-265行中重新定义和beamer的代码,投影仪项目标记会消失,但垂直空间保持不变。beamerbaselocalstructure.sty\itemize\enditemize




These lines are a modified version of the code from the beamer 
 class (file beamerbaselocalstructure.sty). If they are commented
 out, the effect is still present
%These lines are a modified versio
    \item First
    \item Second
    \item Third
    \item Fourth







%%% These lines are a modified version of the code from the beamer 
%%% class (file beamerbaselocalstructure.sty). If they are commented
%%% out, the effect is still present\makeatletter
  \topsep  0pt
  \parsep  0pt
  \itemsep 0pt

  % If this is changed to [T] the lines are not aligned
    This is some text only to show the alignment (or the lack of it)
    between this column and the following one which starts with an
    itemize environment.
    % This vertical space corresponds to normal a text line, but
    %%% only happens if the itemize environment is at the beginning of
    %%% the column: indeed if we uncomment the next line, the items do
    %%% not move.
    % Something
    %%% This is a manual workaround, but I'd prefer a global fix
    % \vspace{-\baselineskip}
    \item First
    \item Second
    \item Third
    \item Fourth


