%Table formatting
\newcommand{\rowstyle}[1]{\gdef\currentrowstyle{#1} #1\ignorespaces}
\begin{table} [ht]
\begin{adjustbox}{max width=\textwidth}
\rowstyle{\bfseries}ID & Requirement & Description & Inputs & Expected outputs & Pass/Fail & Comments \\
A1.1 & FR1 & \multirow{2}{0.9in}{checking attendants can only park certain vehicles} & 1-3 & Nothing & P & \\
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{} & 4-5 & produces error & F & doesn't check input of vehicleType \\
A1.2 & FR2 & \multirow{2}{0.9in}{checking attendants can only park certain vehicles} & 1-3 & Nothing & P & \\
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{} & 4-5 & produces error & F & doesn't check input of vehicleType \\
\caption{Test table}
当前输出导致描述中的文本与下一行重叠。我知道有人问过类似的问题,但我对 LaTeX 还不熟悉,不明白他们的解决方案是如何解决这个问题的。
with tabless,因为它会产生不一致的字体大小。最好调整字体大小和 的值\tabcolsep
话虽如此,您可以使用多行,不是在第 3 列,而是在第 4-7 列。
,第 3 列和第 7 列为类型X
对第 4-6 列使用。此外,我加载了几何图形,以获得更合理的边距(如果您不需要边注)。最后,我使用了规则booktabs
%Table formatting
\newcommand{\rowstyle}[1]{\gdef\currentrowstyle{#1} #1\ignorespaces}
\usepackage{multirow, makecell, tabularx, booktabs}
\begin{table} [!htb]
\begin{adjustbox}{max width=\textwidth}
\rowstyle{\bfseries}ID & Requirement & Description & Inputs & Expected outputs & Pass/Fail & Comments \\
A1.1 & FR1 & \RaggedRight checking attendants can only park certain vehicles & \makecell{1-3\\4-5} & \makecell{Nothing\\produces error} & \makecell{P \\F }& \makecell{\\doesn't check input of vehicleType}\\
A1.2 & FR2 & \multirow{2}{=}{checking attendants can only park certain vehicles} & 1-3 & Nothing & P & \\
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{} & 4-5 & produces error & F & doesn't check input of vehicleType \\[8ex]
\caption{Test table}
\begin{table} [! htb]
\rowstyle{\bfseries}ID & Requirement & Description & Inputs & Expected outputs & Pass/Fail & Comments \\
A1.1 & FR1 & \RaggedRight checking attendants can only park certain vehicles & \makecell{1-3\\4-5} & \makecell{Nothing\\produces error} & \makecell{P \\F }&\mbox{} \newline doesn't check input of vehicleType \\
A1.2 & FR2 & \multirow{3}{=}{\RaggedRight checking attendants can only park certain vehicles} & 1-3 & Nothing & P & \\
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{} & 4-5 & produces error & F & doesn't check input of vehicleType \\%[8.5ex]
\caption{Test table}