我使用以下代码成功构建了 TikZ 图
\usetikzlibrary{automata, positioning, arrows, shapes}
\tikzset{rectangle state/.style={draw,rectangle}} % make rectangles available
\node[state, minimum size=1.5cm] (y1) {$\mathbf{y}_{1}$};
\node[rectangle state,minimum size=1.5cm] (x11) [below= of y1] {$x_{11}$};
\node[rectangle state,minimum size=1.5cm] (x21) [below= of x11] {$\mathbf{x}_{21}$};
\node[rectangle state, minimum size=1.5cm] (x31) [below= of x21] {$\mathbf{x}_{31}$};
\node[state, minimum size=1.5cm] (y2) [right= of y1] {$\mathbf{y}_{2}$};
\node[rectangle state, minimum size=1.5cm] (x12) [right= of x11] {$x_{12}$};
\node[rectangle state, minimum size=1.5cm] (x22) [right= of x21] {$\mathbf{x}_{22}$};
\node[rectangle state, minimum size=1.5cm] (x32) [right= of x31] {$\mathbf{x}_{32}$};
\node[state, draw=none, minimum size=1.5cm] (ykdots) [right= of y2] {$\cdots$};
\node[state, draw=none, minimum size=1.5cm] (x1kdots) [right= of x12] {$\cdots$};
\node[state, draw=none, minimum size=1.5cm] (x2kdots) [right= of x22] {$\cdots$};
\node[state, draw=none, minimum size=1.5cm] (x3kdots) [right= of x32] {$\cdots$};
\node[state, minimum size=1.5cm] (ynm1) [right= of ykdots] {$\mathbf{y}_{n-1}$};
\node[rectangle state, minimum size=1.5cm] (x1nm1) [below= of ynm1] {$x_{1,n-1}$};
\node[rectangle state, minimum size=1.5cm] (x2nm1) [below= of x1nm1] {$\mathbf{x}_{2,n-1}$};
\node[rectangle state, minimum size=1.5cm] (x3nm1) [below= of x2nm1] {$\mathbf{x}_{3,n-1}$};
\node[state, minimum size=1.5cm] (yn) [right= of ynm1] {$\mathbf{y}_{n}$};
\node[rectangle state, minimum size=1.5cm] (x1n) [below= of yn] {$x_{1n}$};
\node[rectangle state, minimum size=1.5cm] (x2n) [below= of x1n] {$\mathbf{x}_{2n}$};
\node[rectangle state, minimum size=1.5cm] (x3n) [below= of x2n] {$\mathbf{x}_{3n}$};
(x11) edge[left] (y1)
(x21) edge[bend left] (y1)
(x31) edge[bend left] (y1)
(x12) edge[left] (y2)
(x22) edge[bend left] (y2)
(x32) edge[bend left] (y2)
(x1nm1) edge[left] (ynm1)
(x2nm1) edge[bend left] (ynm1)
(x3nm1) edge[bend left] (ynm1)
(x1n) edge[left] (yn)
(x2n) edge[bend left] (yn)
(x3n) edge[bend left] (yn)
(x11) edge[left] (x12)
(x21) edge[left] (x22)
(x31) edge[left] (x32)
(x12) edge[left] (x1kdots)
(x22) edge[left] (x2kdots)
(x32) edge[left] (x3kdots)
(x1kdots) edge[left] (x1nm1)
(x2kdots) edge[left] (x2nm1)
(x3kdots) edge[left] (x3nm1)
(x1nm1) edge[left] (x1n)
(x2nm1) edge[left] (x2n)
(x3nm1) edge[left] (x3n)
对齐方式错误,节点不再有边框,等等。有人知道发生了什么吗?我的序言中的以下任何包是否会弄乱 TikZ 的内容?成功的编译是在 上执行的Rstudio
,失败的编译发生在 上Texmaker
。对于后者,我通过按 F1 进行编译,这会触发“快速构建”,其设置显示在底部的图片中。我使用 XeLateX 是因为我过去在图像(主要是 pdf)正确显示方面遇到了一些问题。“XeLateX”命令给出为xelatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex
\usepackage{amsmath, amsfonts, bm, mathtools, algpseudocode, amssymb}
\usepackage{url} % not crucial - just used below for the URL
% tikz stuff
\usetikzlibrary{automata, positioning, arrows, shapes}
% NOTE: To produce blinded version, replace "0" with "1" below.
% for proofs!
% DON'T change margins - should be 1 inch all around.