\caption{Scaling approach}
\matrix (M) [
matrix of nodes,
minimum height = 7mm,
minimum width = 1.4cm,
outer sep=0,
draw,fill=white!20 % <-added
column 1/.style={
nodes={draw=none,fill=none}, % <-- added fill=none
minimum width = 4cm
row sep=5mm, column sep=-\pgflinewidth,
nodes in empty cells,
e/.style={fill=black!90}, % Cells with E will be blacc?
w/.style={fill=white!90}, % Cells with E will be blacc?
g/.style={fill=black!20} % Cells with E will be blacc?
\hspace{1.32cm} & & & & & & |[g]| & |[g]|& |[e]| & |[e]| \\
\draw (M-1-7.north west) ++(0,2mm) coordinate (LT) edge[|<->|, >= latex] node[above]{Validation} (LT-|M-1-8.north east); % changed 5 to 7
\draw (M-1-2.north west) ++(0,2mm) coordinate (LT) edge[|<->|, >= latex] node[above]{Train} (LT-|M-1-6.north east);
\draw (M-1-9.north west) ++(0,2mm) coordinate (LT) edge[|<->|, >= latex] node[above]{Out-of-sample} (LT-|M-1-10.north east); %
\draw (M-2-2.north west) ++(0,03mm) coordinate (LT) edge[|<->|, >= latex] node[above]{In-sample interval} (LT-|M-1-8.north east); % changed 5 to 7
% fold labels and arrows
\foreach [
evaluate={\col=ifthenelse(\row==4, % if fourth row
int(\row+6), % use seventh column
int(\row+3)) % else use column row+1
] \txt in {k}
\draw [black!30,line width=1mm,-Triangle] (M-\row-10.east) ++(2mm,0) -- ++(7mm,0) node[black, right] {$E$};
\caption{Scaling approach}
\matrix (M) [
matrix of nodes,
minimum height = 7mm,
minimum width = 1.4cm,
outer sep=0,
draw,fill=white!20 % <-added
column 1/.style={
nodes={draw=none,fill=none}, % <-- added fill=none
minimum width = 4cm
row sep=5mm, column sep=-\pgflinewidth,
nodes in empty cells,
e/.style={fill=black!90}, % Cells with E will be blacc?
w/.style={fill=white!90}, % Cells with E will be blacc?
g/.style={fill=black!20} % Cells with E will be blacc?
\hspace{1.32cm} & & & & & & |[g]| & |[g]|& |[e]| & |[e]| \\
\draw (M-1-7.north west) ++(0,2mm) coordinate (LT) edge[|<->|, >= latex] node[above]{Validation} (LT-|M-1-8.north east); % changed 5 to 7
\draw (M-1-2.north west) ++(0,2mm) coordinate (LT) edge[|<->|, >= latex] node[above]{Train} (LT-|M-1-6.north east);
\draw (M-1-9.north west) ++(0,2mm) coordinate (LT) edge[|<->|, >= latex] node[above]{Out-of-sample} (LT-|M-1-10.north east); %
%\draw (M-2-2.north west) ++(0,03mm) coordinate (LT) edge[|<->|, >= latex] node[above]{In-sample interval} (LT-|M-1-8.north east); % changed 5 to 7
% fold labels and arrows
\foreach [
evaluate={\col=ifthenelse(\row==4, % if fourth row
int(\row+6), % use seventh column
int(\row+3)) % else use column row+1
] \txt in {k}
\draw [black!30,line width=1mm,-Triangle] (M-\row-10.east) ++(2mm,0) -- ++(7mm,0) node[black, right] {$E$};
\draw[decorate,decoration={brace,mirror,raise=0.5ex}] (M-1-2.south west) -- (M-1-6.south east)
node[midway,below=1ex]{something} ;
\draw[decorate,decoration={brace,mirror,raise=0.5ex}] (M-1-7.south west) --
(M-1-8.south east) node[midway,below=1ex]{duck} ;
请注意,我必须进行评论%\draw (M-2-2.north west) ...