自定义 latex 环境中的 Tikz 错误

自定义 latex 环境中的 Tikz 错误


!软件包 tikz 错误:放弃此路径。您忘记了分号吗?。

请参阅 tikz 包文档以了解解释。输入 H 可立即获得帮助。...

l.536 \end{示例}

我不知道缺少的分号在哪里,因为所有使用的 tikz 命令末尾都有分号。不确定我是否遗漏了什么,如果有人能找到我做错的地方,我将不胜感激。


\newtcolorbox{example}[1] {blanker, enhanced, breakable, before skip = 5mm, after skip = 5mm, 
left=3mm, right=3mm, top=10mm, bottom=3mm, colback=white, 
colframe=cor1, width=162mm, toprule=1pt, bottomrule=1pt, 
rightrule=1pt, leftrule=1pt, outer arc = 8mm, arc = 8mm, sharp corners 
= northwest, sharp corners = southeast, sharp corners = southwest,
title={{\boxfont EXEMPLO}\hspace{3.5mm} \textcolor{gray!80!black} 
boxed title style={empty, sharp corners}, 
attach boxed title to top left={xshift=-1.3 mm , yshift=-7.3mm},
underlay boxed title ={

% Draw the title underlay rectangle
\fill[cor1!30] ($(frame.north west) + (0,-.3mm)$) rectangle 
($(title.north east)+(-.8mm,-6mm)$ coordinate (R));

% Filldraw the darker fancy in front of the rectangle and behind the 
Example. The coordinates should be better chosen.
\fill[cor1] (frame.north west) -- ($(title.south west) + (1.3mm,0)$) -- ++ (18mm,0mm) arc [start angle=-90, end angle=0, x radius = 2mm, y radius = 2mm] -- ($(frame.north west) + (20mm,0)$) --  cycle;
